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Everything posted by Mahmoud

  1. I really don't know how do you vote ServereCs.tk : 131
  2. *Nick admin: Omar{P.S.E} *The reason: no activity *Sanction (downgrade/remove/suspend): remove to player *Period penalty (after how long is allowed to apply for admin): 7 day *Nick admin: KiLL[Er]uL^ *The reason: no activity *Sanction (downgrade/remove/suspend): remove to player *Period penalty (after how long is allowed to apply for admin): 7 day *Nick admin: Narusasu *The reason: no activity *Sanction (downgrade/remove/suspend): remove to player *Period penalty (after how long is allowed to apply for admin): 7 day *Nick admin: cristian MD *The reason: no activity *Sanction (downgrade/remove/suspend): remove to player *Period penalty (after how long is allowed to apply for admin): 7 day
  3. LISTA COMENZI AMX MODX amx_nick ( Schimba numele unui jucator - nume original nume nou) amx_kick nick (scoti un jucator de pe server] amx_kickmenu (da kick jucatorilor cu nick gen: ~ | . ; etc.) amx_gag nick 3-5-10 amx_slap nick 0 amx_ss nick 4 (faci poze unui player suspect doar de WALL) amx_slay nick amx_psay nick mesaj (trimiti un mesaj privat unui jucator) amx_say mesaj (afiseaza mesaje tuturor jucatorilor) amx_showip ( arata ip-urile celor de pe server ) amx_who (arata adminii care sunt on pe server) PENTRU A DA VOT URMATI ACESTI PASI: /harti (vezi ce mape s-au jucat -ultimele 5). amx_votemap minim 3 amx_votemapmenu (intri in menul cu harti, iar de acolo urmezi pasii).Astfel puteti da vot mult mai usor. amx_mapmenu(Afiseaza un meniu cu hartile de pe server). PENTRU A BANA UN CODAT URMEZI URMATORII PASI: amx_banip nick 0/permanent motiv( il banezi permanent ) amx_last (afiseaza IP-urile jucatorilor care au iesit de pe server) amx_addban IP 0/permanent wall/aim/speed,etc(Adauga un ban la lista cu ban-uri(banlist) a serverului) amx_addban "STEAMID" 0/permanent wall /aim/speed,etc amx_banmenu (intri in menul , iar de acolo urmezi pasii ) In cazul in care un jucator nu trimite pozele se va face print in consola) (snapshot) In cazul playerilor cu numele gen : A , * , $ , # , sau atunci cand doi jucatori de pe server au nume asemenatoare (de EX Player, respectiv (1)Player) , se foloseste comanda status , se ia #nr.ID si se aplica comanda de ban sau de schimbare nume: amx_nick "#nr.ID" "altnume" sau amx_ban "#nr.ID"
  4. A friend of mine left this world with a long illness a few weeks ago. He was really my friend, he was a good man and he did really well when he got the chance and helped people when they ask him.

    May God have mercy on him!


  5. Your active are very bad in last days Rejected
  6. Obligatiile Zilnice a Adminilor Toti adminii au obligatia de a vota zilnic serverul warn/down Toti adminii au obligatia de a juca cu numele de admin pe server ! -1 Toti admini au obligatia de a raspunde la cereri admin/up ! warn/down De astazi schimbam foaia ! Vad ca de buna voie nu face nimeni nimic. Cine nu respecta aceste obligatii v-a suporta consecintele. Pentru cei ce nu stiu unde sa voteze : Admins daily obligations All Admins are required to vote on the warn / down server daily All Admins have the obligation to play with the admin name on the server! -1 All admins have the obligation to respond to admin / up requests! warn / down From Today we are changing the sheet! I see no one is doing anything at will. Whoever does not respect these obligations will bear the consequences. For those who do not know where to vote:
  7. ZM 6.3 is my heart Can you change your heart :))?
  8. *Nick admin: V.v B_O_S_S *The reason: abuse admin *Sanction (downgrade/remove/suspend): downgrade to slot *Period penalty (after how long is allowed to apply for admin): He will not get admin again !
  9. I have not seen you in the server before Rejected
  10. Mahmoud

    Cerere Avatar

    I think my request is very difficult I'm sorry Lock.
  11. Mahmoud

    Request Slot

    Let's see what you'll do... Your name and password in the message
  12. *Nick admin: Danut *The reason: Active in the server and the forum and boosted server many times !
  13. I don't know why you didn't read the rules 5-10 minute Anyway you can come back again with new topic next week Rejected T/C
  14. Well I understood what you mean almost I'll do what you said BS: Next time try to speak Romanian I will understand you Google Translate like potatoes :))
  15. This section is zm not reddevil
  16. I gave you a slot without playing hours I think that's enough for you You are not active on server Don't expect me to accept you again And there is something strange when I played with you You got a survivors mode 4 times in the map????? You need to prove yourself if you want admin my server I have opened this server for everyone next time read the rules. Rejected
  17. Why did you request admin in language arabic the admin model request only in Romanian and English You have good activity on the server I really want you man Try again next week and remember model request in Romanian and English :)))
  18. Rejected ,you have no activity to get a admin ? Try again next week after be active.
  19. Wait for admins vote ... And don't send me messages !
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