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Posts posted by None

  1. In primul rand @Ioana@ iti multumesc personal dar si in numele intregii echipe pentru contributia ta in segmentul "Life Moments". Desi postarea mea initiala nu mai are context pentru ca a fost editata ( era un clip cu mine in portbagajul unei masini), ma bucur ca ai inteles despre ce este vorba si ca ne'ai impartasit acest moment bizar din viata ta. Tind sa cred ca este mai mult decat o intamplare, este o minune...sau, cu riscul de a fi caracterizat ca fiind un nebun... pot sa zic ca ingerasul tau era in apropriere luand forma unui caine - ca sa nu intervina prea pe fatza asa... :) .

    Pe scurt, concluzia mea este ca trebuie sa fi atent la trecerile de pietoni, mai ales in Romania, si sa-ti sucesti bine gatul uitandu-te stanga/dreapta, in special pe strazile cu vizibilitate redusa sau "unghi mort". Ce tine de partea spirituala / religioasa...ramane de discutat si acest aspect, dar si despre animale, era sa uit :P .

    Asteptam si alte intamplari de orice natura din viata voastra :) ca sa le putem discuta si pentru a ne re amintii despre "veatza" si cat de importanta este.

    • Like 1
    • Thank you ! 1
  2. On 2/18/2019 at 10:55 PM, Hopsin said:

    Hobby-urile tale:Fotball,Basket
    Interese:Hmm pai sa ajung undeva pe aceasta comunitate daca mise da aceasta sansa.

    Bine ai venit / revenit Marian !

    Succes la fotbal si basket ! Mai ales daca vrei sa ai o cariera practicand oricare din aceste sporturi. Sunt multe activitati / hobby-uri daunatoare sanatatii dar tu ai facut o alegere foarte buna !

    Daca iti doresti o alta functie pe aceasta comunitate ( Manager Server / Moderator / Prime / etc. )  nu trebuie decat sa fi activ :) ( cat iti permite timpul ).

    Multa sanatate iti doresc si have a nice day :) .

    • Thank you ! 1
  3. Filme vazute recent:

    The Nun - 2018

    Nota personala 4 + meh.



    Low budget, super previzibil, filmat in Romania, unde au ales o cocioaba de casa si un actor in izmene care scuipa. Al doilea actor care scuipa este barman sau patron, care scuipa pe jos in propria carciuma. Americanii astia...

    Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation - 2018

    Nota personala 6 + mdeah.

    Da, ma uit si la desene animate. Nu stiam eu de ce mi se pare cunoscut stilul animatiei. Am aflat la sfarsitul filmului ca a fost regizat de catre Genndy Tartakovsky, regizorul desenelor animate "Dexter's Laboratory" sau "Samurai Jack".



    Filmul nu este atat de amuzant dar, in mintea unui copil banuiesc ca nu conteaza: 1+1= Iphone. Glume ieftine, fumate, ce reprezinta declinul generatiei secolului 21.

    • Like 1
  4. Dragi prieteni... suntem la sfarsitul lunii Octombrie... inafara de @StraWBerry nu share-uit / impartasit nimeni altcineva niciun Playlist preferat sau " o lista cu melodii preferate ".

    Ce faceti acolo treji ? :lol: :wacko:

    Feeling sad and happy.

  5. Cine impartaseste (deschizand un topic in aceasta categorie - Life Moments) un CLIP tematic ( cu o intamplare / "faza" )  - primeste o licenta pentru programul Windows folosit de mine pentru a edita clip-urile. Acesta costa 40 euro deci cam trebuie sa va dati silinta ! O licenta per PC / Laptop ! Licenta se va oferi utilizatorului care doreste sa participe in maxim 1 ( una ) saptamana si cu acordul administratorilor !


    Topic deschis publicului ( implicare personala ) pana pe 20 Noiembrie a.c.

    Take care ! Bye bye now !

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. Am auzit ca vor sa plece cu masina moment in care am inceput sa intru in panica. Clipul era mai lung am stat ceva timp in portbagaj, dar l-am taiat ca incepuse sotia sa dicteze cod pin la telefon. Ce este drept sufar de claustrofobie si cand imi inchipui sau visez ca sunt sub apa sau intr-un cosciug ma trezesc sarind ca si cum m-ar intepa 10 arici.

    • Haha 3
  7. Life Moments ( Titlu Temporar / Working Title )

    Aşa şi ?!

    "Poi", cum spunea odatã ca niciodatã un aşa zis bãrbat cu voce de femeie... Ȋn acest topic, sperãm, ( Doamne / Allah sau Aliens 7 ajutã ), sã vedem / descoperim experienţele tale trãite de-a lungul vieţii ! Atenţie insã ! Este vorba de "veaţa realã" ! Nu ȋl dezamãgiţi pe Parizer Salam, sau Suncã Presatã Salam Parizer Crenvurşti ! Deci, farã tastaturi, mauşi sau alte bazaconii ! Dacã aţi imortalizat momentul ... stai, pauza aici.... ȋn timp ce cãutam pe Google expresia "a imortaliza momentul", asta cã sunt un afon agramat recunosc, cicã: "Esca, SURPRINSĂ în timp ce făcea DRAGOSTE cu SOȚUL." - LUL. Asa, sã revin la ce aberam, dacã aţi imortalizat un moment special cu o pozã sau video clip, şhare-uţi-ne frate şi nouã detaliile !!!!111


    Vezi un gândac in bucãtãrie deşi nu ai avut gândaci timp de 10 ani de zile.

    Ai facut odatã treaba mare şi a durut.

    Ai surprins o gagicã purtând un tricou larg şi s-a aplecat...

    Fãrã niciun motiv anume, te-a nãpãdit diareea prin oraş.


    Categoria "Life Moments" şi regulile de postare sunt incã ȋn discuţii, deci nu vã pot oferii un model de postare anume; sau dacã vom folosi un singur topic pentru toate postãrile (care este o variantã bunã imho).

    Deci, fãrã dar şi poate, ȋncep eu: ( nu ştiu cât timp voi ţine acest clip, dar, nu divulg informaţii personale asa cã poate va fi disponibil permanent ).


    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  8. Salut Rãzvan, idea topic-ului creat de tine este bunã. Dar, putem simplifica totul sugerând cele mai simple metode prin care poţi afla numele melodiei pe care o cauţi. Sper cã nu te superi ca ţi-am invadat topic-ul :). Am aşteptat cele 10 zile obligatorii, din punctul meu de vedere, sau din bun simţ.

    Prima variantã şi cea mai simplã:

    Aplicatia Shazam pentru iOS sau Android.


    a) Aproprie telefonul de sursa audio, nu foarte aproape pentru a nu pierde din calitatea sursei audio.
    b) Volumul sã fie mediu, ȋncat sã auzi tu bine. (Imagineazã-ţi cã urechea ta este telefonul).
    c) Apasã pe simbolul Shazam unde scrie "Tap to Shazam".


    d) Aşteaptã rezultatul. Dacã melodia pe care o cauţi este comercialã, o va gasi imediat. Dacã nu, insistã panã o gaseşte ! Ca sugestie, porneşte melodia unde ȋncepe refrenul sau alte versuri. Eu am gãsit o melodie care am tãiat-o dintr-un mix. Bine, a gãsit varianta bunã dupã vreo 10 incercãri. Important este sã insisti la partile vocale sau sã testezi cât de aproape sã ţi telefonul pentru un rezultat mai bun.


    A doua variantã, pentru Windows 10. Cu ajutorul robotului Cortana. Trebuie sã ai microfonul activat şi Cortana activat.


    Porneşte melodia, rosteşte ȋn microfon pentru a iniţia Cortana urmãtoarele: Hey Cortana !
    Apoi, intreabã, ȋn limba Englezã evident: What song is this ? sau, What song is playing ? sau, What's the name of this song ? sau, What's playing right now ?


    Apoi aştepţi rezultatul !

    Sau, tot cu ajutorul robotului Cortana:

    Click pe iconiţa din pãtrãţelul verde pentru a identifica melodia.



    Cam atât pentru melodiile comerciale ( din câte ştiu eu ), rãmân urmatoarele surse pentru Track Listing. ( A afla numele unei melodii dintr-un mix, set, etc. )

    SoundCloud - De obicei mix-urile sunt 'urcate' şi aici; utilizatorii pot ȋntreba printr-un comentariu ce ID este la xx : xx ( minut / secundã ).
    Mixcloud - Aici, DJ-ii urcã mix-urile cu tot cu Tracklist (câteodatã).
    MixesDB - Aici cauţi dupã cuvinte cheie; nume DJ sau data mix-ului.
    1001TrackLists - La fel ^
    BeatPort - Aici mai caut eu dupã numele DJ-ului. De obicei cumpãr ce ȋmi place foarte mult.

    Aşteptãm şi alte metode prin care poţi afla numele unei melodii.

    Eu am sugerat ce consider eu cã este "SAFE" / "SIGUR". Mare atenţie , nu vizitaţi surse nesigure pe Internet ( PC sau MOBIL ) şi nu DESCÃRCAŢI / DOWNLOAD aplicaţii ȋnainte de a cere o pãrere !

    Nu existã aplicaţie pentru Windows, una bunã cel puţin. Singura aplicaţie care este DESCÃRCABILÃ este Shazam pentru Mac OS.


    @Razvan- poţi posta şi metoda/metodele ta/tale dacã diferã de ce am sugerat eu.

    • Like 2
  9. Salut, eu sunt acela, cu listele alea lungi.... Mai jos este o lista cu filmele pe care eu le apreciez, in care "joaca tetris" actorii mei preferati. Jur ca am imbatranit 5 ani dupa ce am terminat de scris lista asta. Nu sunt toate filmele... (serios ?! LOL). Ce film il consider eu ca fiind Horror poate fi Thriller sau Comedie pentru voi - dar nu asta conteaza. Sper ca macar 1 din 10 vizitatori gaseste aceasta lista folositoare. Filmele mult prea tampite, prea comerciale, previzible, sau care mi s-au parut de cacao, din punctul meu de vedere, nu sunt inlcuse.


    Gen Actiune + Crima + Thriller Combinat


    Dog Day Afternoon - 1975
    The Karate Kid - 1984
    Dick Tracy - 1990
    Cape Fear - 1991
    The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
    Falling Down 1993
    Léon: The Professional - 1994
    Pulp Fiction - 1994
    Desperado - 1995
    Heat - 1995
    From Dusk Till Dawn - 1996
    Dobermann - 1997
    Face/Off - 1997
    The Fifth Element - 1997
    Jackie Brown - 1997
    Spawn - 1997
    American History X 1998
    From Hell - 2001
    Resident Evil - 2002
    Ronin - 1998
    Very Bad Things - 1998
    Rounders 1998
    8MM - 1999
    Hollow Man - 2000
    Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai - 1999
    Hellboy - 2004
    Gone in Sixty Seconds - 2000
    The Score - 2001
    Kill Bill: Vol. 1 - 2003
    Once Upon a Time in Mexico - 2003
    Red Dragon 2002
    The Transporter 1 - 2002
    The Italian Job - 2003
    Unleashed - 2005
    Constantine - 2005
    Inglourious Basterds - 2009
    Collateral - 2004
    Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - 2004
    House of Flying Daggers - 2004
    The Transporter 2 - 2005
    Sin City - 2005
    Watchmen - 2009
    Cowboys & Aliens - 2011
    Hellboy II: The Golden Army 2008
    V for Vendetta - 2005
    Zodiac - 2007
    Fearless - 2006
    Apocalypto - 2006
    Smokin' Aces - 2006
    No Country for Old Men - 2007
    Crank - 2006
    Drive 2011
    Avengers, The - 2012
    Cleaner 2007
    Hanna 2011
    The Book of Eli - 2010
    Legion - 2010
    Planet Terror - 2007
    2012 - 2009
    Law Abiding Citizen 2009
    Doctor Strange - 2016
    Yip Man - 2008
    2 Guns - 2013
    Mad Max: Fury Road 2015
    13 Assassins - 2010
    Get the Gringo - 2012
    Rampart 2011
    Colombiana 2011
    Meeting Evil 2012
    Parker - 2013
    Chained 2012
    Hit and Run - 2012
    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 2014
    Avengers: Age of Ultron - 2015
    Fury - 2014
    Avengers: Infinity War - 2018
    8MM - 1999
    Cape Fear - 1991
    Collateral - 2004
    Dog Day Afternoon - 1975
    From Hell - 2001
    The Score - 2001
    The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
    Very Bad Things - 1998
    Zodiac - 2007

    Gen Romance:


    Dirty Dancing - 1987
    Farewell My Concubine - 1993
    Jane Eyre - 2011
    Memoirs of a Geisha - 2005
    Moulin Rouge! - 2001
    Original Sin - 2001
    Out of Sight - 1998
    Practical Magic - 1998

    Gen "Mafiot" / "Garcea vs Banditii":


    Donnie Brasco - 1997
    Dillinger - 1973
    Public Enemies - 2009
    American Gangster - 2007
    Casino - 1995
    Goodfellas - 1990
    Scarface - 1983
    The Untouchables - 1987
    Harlem Nights - 1989
    Gomorrah - 2008
    New Jack City - 1991
    Gangster Squad - 2013
    Mean Streets - 1973
    Thursday - 1998
    Dead Presidents - 1995
    Hoodlum 1997
    Set It Off 1996
    Road to Perdition 2002

    Gen Aventura (My kind of 'Adventure'):


    Alice Through the Looking Glass - 2016
    Amadeus - 1984
    American Honey - 2016
    Antropoid - 2016
    Beowulf - 2007
    Cast Away - 2000
    City of Ember - 2008 - Pentru fanii jocurilor Fallout
    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - 2000
    Das Boot - 1981
    Hero - Ying xiong - 2002
    Fly Away Home 1996
    Hugo - 2011
    Jack the Giant Slayer - 2013
    Joe Dirt - 2001
    King Kong - 2005
    Kong: Skull Island - 2017
    Matinee - 1993
    Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children - 2016
    Old Yeller - 1957
    Pans Labyrinth - 2006
    Paulie - 1998
    Road House - 1989
    Sherlock Holmes - 2009
    Sleepy Hollow - 1999
    Solomon Kane - 2009
    Stand by Me - 1986
    Tale of Tales - 2015
    The 36th Chamber of Shaolin - 1978
    The Count of Monte Cristo - 2002
    The Forbidden Kingdom - 2008
    The Revenant - 2015
    The Saint - 1997
    The Sandlot - 1993
    The Tourist - 2010


    Gen Comedie + Lacrimogene:


    21 Jump Street - 2012
    50 First Dates - 2004
    50/50 - 2011
    A Haunted House - 2013
    A Million Ways to Die in the West - 2014
    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - 1994
    Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - 1995
    Almost Heroes - 1998
    Are We Done Yet? - 2007
    Are We There Yet? - 2005
    Army of Darkness - 1992
    Austin Powers in Goldmember - 2002
    Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery - 1997
    Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me - 1999
    Bad Santa - 2003
    Be Cool - 2005
    Bean - 1997
    Bedazzled - 2000
    Beverly Hills Ninja - 1997
    Big Momma's House - 2000
    Blended -2014
    Borat - 2006
    Bruce Almighty - 2003
    Cat's Eye - 1985
    CB4 - 1993
    Click - 2006
    Cops and Robbersons - 1994
    Dark Shadows - 2012
    Date Movie - 2006
    Dennis the Menace - 1993
    Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo - 1999
    Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo - 2005
    Disaster Movie - 2008
    Dope - 2015
    Dumb and Dumber - 1994
    Easy A - 2010
    Elf - 2003
    Epic Movie - 2007
    EuroTrip - 2004
    Excess Baggage - 1997
    Flirting with Disaster - 1996
    Foster - 2011
    Friday - 1995
    Fun with Dick and Jane - 2005
    Get Smart - 2008
    Goin' South - 1978
    Grown Ups 1 - 2010
    Grown Ups 2 - 2013
    Grumpy Old Men - 1993
    Grumpier Old Men - 1995
    Hot Shots 1 - 1991
    Hot Shots 2 - 1993
    I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry - 2007
    I Spy - 2002
    Idiocracy - 2006
    Jack and Jill - 2011
    Jane Austen's Mafia! - 1998
    Jawbreaker - 1999
    Johnny English - 2003
    Johnny English - Reborn - 2011
    Johnny English - Strikes Again - 2018
    Just Visiting - 2001
    Liar Liar - 1997
    Life - 1999
    Life as We Know It - 2010
    Meet the Parents - 2000
    Meet the Fockers - 2004
    Little Fockers - 2010
    Loaded Weapon 1 - 1993
    Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - 1998
    Me, Myself & Irene - 2000
    Meet the Spartans - 2008
    Men at Work - 1990
    Middle Men - 2009
    Money Talks - 1997
    Mousehunt - 1997
    Mr. Bean's Holiday - 2007
    National Lampoon's Vacation - 1983
    National Lampoon's European Vacation - 1985
    National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - 1989
    National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation - 1997
    Norbit - 2007
    Not Another Teen Movie - 2001
    The Nutty Professor - 1996
    Nutty Professor II: The Klumps - 2000
    Office Space - 1999
    Pain & Gain - 2013
    Pisica alba, pisica neagra - Black Cat, White Cat - 1998
    Pixels - 2015
    Planes, Trains & Automobiles - 1987
    Police Academy - 1984
    Revenge of the Nerds - 1984
    Scary Movie 1 - 2000
    Scary Movie 2 - 2001
    Scary Movie 3 - 2003
    Scary Movie 4 - 2006
    Scary Movie 5 - 2013
    Screwed - 2000
    Shallow Hal - 2001
    Spaceballs - 1987
    Spanglish - 2004
    Spun - 2002
    Spy - 2015
    Spy Hard - 1996
    Stripes - 1981
    Superhero Movie - 2008
    Taxi - 2004
    Ted 1 - 2012
    Ted 2 - 2015
    The Big Bounce - 2004
    The Cable Guy - 1996
    The Dictator - 2012
    The Gods Must Be Crazy 1 - 1980
    The Gods Must Be Crazy 2 - 1989
    The Great Outdoors - 1988
    The Heartbreak Kid - 2007
    The Heat - 2013
    The Interview - 2014
    The Mask - 1994
    The New Guy - 2002
    The Nice Guys - 2016
    The Odd Life of Timothy Green - 2012
    The Producers - 2005
    The Wedding Singer - 1998
    There's Something About Mary - 1998
    To Die For - 1995
    Vampires Suck - 2010
    We're the Millers - 2013
    What to Expect When You're Expecting - 2012
    White Chicks - 2004
    Wrong Cops - 2013
    Year One - 2009
    Yes Man - 2008

    Gen Horror:


    100 Feet - 2008
    13 Sins - 2014
    28 Weeks Later - 2007
    An American Haunting - 2005
    Annabelle - 2014
    Annabelle: Creation - 2017
    Bram Stoker's Dracula - 1992
    Case 39 - 2009
    Child's Play - 1988
    Cronos - 1993
    Dark Skies - 2013
    Dead End - 2003
    Dead Silence - 2007
    Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - 2010
    Don't Breathe - 2016
    Drag Me to Hell - 2009
    Eden Lake - 2008
    Evil Dead - 2013
    Farm House - 2008
    Ghost Ship - 2002
    Halloween - 1978
    Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - 2013
    Hereditary - 2018
    House of Wax - 2005
    I Am Legend - 2007
    In Their Skin - 2012
    Insidious 1 - 2010
    Insidious 2 - 2013
    Insidious 3 - 2015
    Insidious 4 - 2018
    It - 1990
    Jeepers Creepers 1 - 2001
    Jeepers Creepers 2 - 2003
    Martyrs - 2008
    Open Water 2: Adrift - 2006
    Rosemary's Baby - 1968
    Sinister - 2012
    The Boy - 2016
    The Cabin in the Woods - 2012
    The Conjuring 1 - 2013
    The Conjuring 2 - 2016
    The Devil's Backbone - 2001
    The Exorcist - 1973
    The Fly - 1986
    The Human Centipede 1 - 2009
    The Human Centipede 2 - 2011
    The Last Exorcism - 2010
    The Omen - 2006
    The People Under the Stairs - 1991
    The Possession - 2012
    The Reflecting Skin - 1990
    The Sect - 1991
    The Strangers - 2008
    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - 1974
    The Witch - 2015
    Thinner - 1996
    Trick 'r Treat - 2007
    V/H/S 1 - 2012
    V/H/S 2 - 2013
    Vacancy - 2007
    Vampires - 1998
    Willow Creek - 2013
    You're Next - 2011
    Land of the Dead - 2005

    Pentru "fanii" Claustrofobiei:


    Buried - 2010
    The Jacket - 2005
    The Descent - 2005
    As Above, So Below - 2014

    Gen "Educational":


    Kids - 1995
    Fireproof - 2008
    If These Walls Could Talk - 1996
    Enough - 2002

    Gen "Craciun":

    Deck the Halls - 2006

    Gen dupa ora "00:00":


    Malena - 2000
    Secretary - 2002
    Bound - 1996
    Crash - 1996
    .45 - 2006
    Sex and Lucia - 2001


    Gen "Baiat de Cartier" sau filme cu actori de culoare:


    Boyz n the Hood - 1991
    Juice - 1992
    Poetic Justice - 1993
    Menace II Society - 1993
    Higher Learning - 1995
    Baby Boy - 2001
    Don't Be a Menace - 1996
    Deep Cover - 1992
    Gang Related - 1997


    Gen Drama:


    10 Cloverfield Lane - 2016
    A Quiet Place - 2018
    Angela's Ashes - 1999
    Babel - 2006
    Bad Boys - 1983
    Blow - 2001
    Bugsy - 1991 - Cum sa iubesti o femeie, trebuia la Educational.
    Burlesque - 2010
    Cinderella Man - 2005
    City of God - 2002
    Class of 1984 - 1982
    Cop - 1988
    Devil in the Flesh - 1998
    Flight - 2012
    Forrest Gump - 1994
    Full Metal Jacket - 1987
    Irreversible - 2002
    King of the Hill - 1993
    Lolita - 1997
    Mi vida loca - 1993
    Olive Twist - 2005
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 1975
    Raging Bull - 1980
    Requiem for a Dream - 2000
    Schindler's List - 1993
    Sherrybaby - 2006
    Showgirls - 1995
    Taxi Driver - 1976
    The Client List - 2010
    The Crush - 1993
    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 2008
    The Devil's Advocate - 1997
    The Devils - 1971
    The Hidden Face - 2011
    The Pianist - 2002
    The Red Violin - 1998
    The Shawshank Redemption - 1994
    The Skin I Live in - 2011
    The Truman Show - 1998
    Unforgiven - 1992
    Walt Before Mickey - 2015

    Gen SF:


    Alien vs Predator - 2004
    Pandorum - 2009
    Sunshine - 2007
    Gattaca - 1997
    Riddick - Pitch Black - 2000
    The Chronicles of Riddick - 2004
    Riddick - 2013
    Cube 1 - 1977
    Cube 2 Hypercube - 2002
    Alien  1 - 1979
    Aliens 2 - 1986
    Alien  3 - 1992
    Alien  4 Resurrection - 1997
    Prometheus - 2012
    Alien Covenant - 2017
    Life - 2017
    The Martian - 2015
    Oblivion - 2013
    Gravity - 2013
    Moon - 2009
    Interstellar - 2014

    Gen Pornache:

    My first A.... aaa... gata ? :( .

    Il provoc pe @BlackPearl sa se uite la filmele:

    Mortal Kombat 1995

    si / sau

    Mortal Kombat: Annihilation 1997

    Daca le'a vizionat sa posteze aici :) .


    • Like 3
  10. @StraWBerry stau bineeee !

    Multumesc pentru postare, ascult cu placere ! Esti pe aceeasi unda cu mine, radacini puternice ;) . Pun la favorite pe Youtube, si cand mai dau o chindie cu 'sistemul' imi voi aduce aminte cu drag, de la cine stiu acea melodie.


    v9vsxOp.gif v9vsxOp.gif v9vsxOp.gif

    Bine notat acolo Strawberry - cine vrea sa posteze in acest topic, nu trebuie sa insirati toata lista cu mp3-uri, un minim de 5/10 ar fi perfect, dar cat mai des posibil si daca se poate, sa enumerati melodiile de suflet, de "baute", de "dragoste" - de obicei legate de despartiri urate :lol: dar csf,  si muzica ajuta ! Orice sentiment merita trait macar odata in viata.

    Hai cu next ! Muzica Populara, Manele, orice. Bine venite !

    • Like 1
  11. yzIGd45.gif


    Salutare dragi prieteni si bine aţi venit. Vã prezentãm douã modele de topic pe care le puteţi deschide ȋn secţiunea RangFort - Cinema:


    Model Topic pentru Filme:

    Filme Preferate - "Numele User-ului Tãu RangFort"


    Model Topic pentru Seriale:

    Seriale Preferate - "Numele User-ului Tãu RangFort"


    Pei şi... ce vrem noi de la tine ? Doar câteva minute din timpul tãu, şi sa ne enumeri / impãrtaşeşti câteva din filmele sau serialele tale preferate. Ai voie sã deschizi douã topic-uri, unul pentru Filme şi unul pentru Seriale - ca sã nu amestecãm ceapa cu usturoiul.


    Model Postare pentru Filme:

    Ȋnainte de toate, o scurtã prezentare personalã:

    "Salutare, mã numesc Ceva-Escu. Mie ȋmi plac cel mai mult filmele Horror, pentru cã din cauzã cã de aceea."

    Gen Film Horror:

    Nume Film + An
    Link IMDB (optional)
    O micã descriere, personala, despre Film. (optional)
    ...(minim un rând spaţiu ȋntre titluri)


    Gen Film Acţiune:

    Nume Film + An
    Link IMDB (optional)
    O micã descriere, personalã, despre Film. (optional)

    ...(minim un rând spaţiu ȋntre titluri)


    Model Postare pentru Seriale:

    Dacã ai compus deja o " micã prezentare personalã " ȋn topic-ul pentru Filme o poţi copia ȋn topic-ul pentru Seriale sau invers.

    Nume Serial
    Link IMDB (optional)
    O micã descriere, personalã, despre Serial. (optional)

    ...(minim un rând spaţiu ȋntre titluri)


    Suntem tare curioşi sã aflãm ce filme sau seriale vã plac !

    Puteţi provoca orice alt membru RangFort ȋn postarea voastrã menţionând acel membru cu @ , exemplu @None , provocându-l astfel sã vizioneze un film sau serial anume.

    Exemplu Provocare:

    @None te provoc sa te uiti la The Human Centipede - 2009 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1467304/

    :lol: Seen it, secsi... :wacko:






    Hello dear friends and welcome to the Cinema section. In this section you can open two topics, as follows:

    Topic Model for Movies:

    Favorite Movies - "Your RangFort Username goes here"


    Topic Model for TV Series:

    Favorite TV Series - "Your RangFort Username goes here"


    So what's up with all of this ? Well, we just need a couple of minutes of your time to share your favorite movies or tv series. You are allowed to open two topics, one for Movies and another one for TV Series.


    Post Model for Movies:

    First of all, please write a short personal description:

    "Hi my name is John Doe. My most favorite movie genre is Horror, because of the reason being unknown..."

    Movie Genre Horror:

    Movie Name + Year
    IMDB Link (optional)
    A small, personal description of the movie. (optional)

    ...(one line minimum space between titles)

    Movie Genre Action:

    Movie Name + Year
    IMDB Link (optional)
    A small, personal description of the movie. (optional)

    ...(one line minimum space between titles)

    Post Model for TV Series:

    If you already wrote "a small personal description of yourself" in the Movies topic, you can copy that text to the TV Series topic and vice-versa.

    TV Series Name
    IMDB Link (optional)
    A small, personal description of the tv series. (optional)

    ...(one line minimum space between titles)


    We are curious to know what movies or tv series you like !

    You can provoke another RangFort member in your post, by mentioning the member with the @ , example @None , provoking the member to watch a certain movie or tv series.

    Provocation Example:

    @None I dare you to watch The Human Centipede - 2009 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1467304/

    :lol: Seen it, secsi... :wacko:


    • Like 2
  12. On 10/12/2018 at 2:55 AM, Skadi said:

    Nimic din OST-ul lui Doom? Sunt surprins. 

    Am si mp3-urile la intregul Doom OST, de la Fallout New Vegas, de la Hitman, si de la multe alte jocuri...

    Astept actiunea sa inceapa pe acest topic, ca sa ne putem dezlantuii cu totii 100%. Eu unul chiar caut melodii care nu le cunosc si nu le'am ascultat nicodata. Nu avem timp o viata sa descoperim toate melodiile frumoase / care merita ascultate.

    Nu am postat melodiile din categoria House, Deep House, Techno, Drum And Bass, Dubstep, si multe altele.

    Eu personal as mai lasa topic-ul pana la sfarsitul lunii Octombrie A.C., daca nici atunci nu aduna postari il stergem si o luam de la capat altfel - fara niciun stres. Eu incerc doar sa aduc diversitate pe Rangfort :wub:.


    • Like 2
  13. Românã

    Lista cu melodiile care te reprezintã. Cã eşti fericit sau supãrat, schizofrenic, emo sau sub influenţã, vrem sã ştim ce asculţi pentru cã şi noi suntem la fel ca tine (câteodatã lol) ! Dacã vrei, poţi compune postarea ta catalogând genul melodiilor cu ajutorul "tag-urilor" care le folosesc eu, sau le poţi cataloga cum vrei, sau deloc.

    Model Postare:

    Nume Artist / Nume Melodie


    1]    Farã video YouTube incorporate ȋn postare, SoundCloud, Etc.
    1.2]  Cum adicã mã fãrã link-uri Youtube ? (%$@!*# ma-tii )

    Nu este obligatoriu sã postaţi link cãtre "Media" pentru fiecare melodie, important este ca numele artistului si numele melodiei sã fie usor de gãsit pe Goagăl (www.google.com)

    1.3]  Fãrã link-uri Download ! Folosiţi PM ;)
    2]    Sunt acceptate toate genurile de muzicã
    3]    Cine judecã alt membru Rangfort pentru gusturile muzicale va primi "Warn" sau "Ban" pe forum, dupã caz.
    4]    Nu fiţi timizi, povestiţi-ne despre melodia care v-a marcat ȋntr-un mod special.



    This topic is dedicated to your personal / most favorite songs arranged in a Playlist by genre. Certain songs you like might have stirred up some memories, sad or happy, we'd love to learn more and talk about it for closure ! You can tag a specific genre by adding your own 'custom' wording/genre, we don't always think about Pop, Hip Hop or Rock as intended.

    Post Model:

    Artist Name / Song Name


    1]    No embed Youtube or Soundcloud links
    1.2]  See Romanian version ( for adding a URL / LINK to your TEXT )
    1.3]  No download links, use PM for other information
    2]    All music genres accepted
    3]    Don't judge other Rangfort members for their music taste, a Warn or a forum Ban might be applied
    4]    Don't be shy, let us know if a song reminds you of a certain time in your life, either happy or sad, so we can "talk" about it

    My Playlist

    Recomandat este sã aveţi starea de spirit necesarã pentru a parcurge aceste Playlist-uri. Dacã sunteţi sictiriţi, nervoşi sau aveţi o stare de spirit anti-socialã, vizitaţi acest topic altã datã. Ȋn cazul ȋn care vreo melodie vã trezește vreun sentiment sau amintire, citaţi-o ȋntr-o postare ca sã vorbim despre "subiect" !

    Asa zis Hip Hop - Rap Romanesc



    Parazitii - Visul lui Liviu

    Parazitii - La limita penibilului
    Parazitii - Sl***z
    Parazitii - Arde
    Parazitii - Tu nu contezi
    Parazitii - Skitu lu Nebunu
    Parazitii - Avort Verbal
    Parazitii - Sau
    Parazitii - De ziua ta
    Parazitii - Reactii Adverse
    Parazitii - Emotii
    Ombladon - Felul meu de a fi
    BUG Mafia - Bag ****-n Lume Si V-o Fac Cadou
    BUG Mafia - Doua dube
    BUG Mafia - Limbaj de cartier
    Dragonu feat Flou Rege - Ardem
    Dragonu feat Flou Rege - Dacheeba
    Dragonu feat Cedry2k - Mai mult ca sigur
    Dragonu feat Flou Rege vs. Dj Al*bu - Hip-Hop
    Dragonu feat Flou Rege vs Dj Al*bu - The sound of underground was found
    Bibanu MixXL - Sâc Sâc (Sâc) - A fost odata ca niciodata, videoclip non-3D.
    Puya - "Banii (n-)aduce fericirea"

    U.S. HIP HOP - RAP - R&B


    Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.
    Wu-Tang Clan - Method Man
    Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More
    Busta Rhymes - H.O.L.L.A
    21 Savage & Metro Boomin - No Heart
    50 Cent - On Everything
    Eminem - Bitch Please
    Eminem - Role Model
    D12 - Shit On You
    Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
    Cypress Hill - Throw Your Set in the Air
    Cypress Hill - Looking Through The Eye Of A Pig
    Dr. Dre feat Snoop Dogg - Deep Cover
    Notorious Big - Suicidal Thoughts
    Notorious Big - Ten Crack Commandments
    Notorious Big - Warning
    Drake - Started From The Bottom
    E-40 - Choices
    Russ - Pull The Trigger
    Rihanna - Consideration
    Rihanna - Love On The Brain
    Usher - No Limit
    Usher - Trading Places
    Chris Brown - Pills & Automobiles
    N.E.R.D & Rihanna - Lemon

    The Fugees - Fu-Gee-La



    Yaşar akpençe - Wishes
    Yaşar akpençe - Last Chance
    Mambayaga Project - Clockwork
    Ali Mohammed - Raks Bedeya
    Aziz - Return to the Pharoah
    Amr Diab - Nour El Ein
    Nancy Ajram - Ma Tegi Hena



    Andreea Banica - Fiesta - To this day I have no idea how this song played on loop for more than 8 hours. ( story here but let's see how this Topic plays out )
    Shayne Ward - No Promises - (story mode...loading...)
    Pablo Alborán - Solamente Tú (Live)  - (story mode...loading...)
    Lenny Williams - Because I Love You - (story mode...loading...)
    Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man - (story mode...loading...)
    Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven - (story mode...loading...)
    Samira - I Saw You Walking In The Rain - (story mode...loading... lots of stories no ? lul - love is magic ;) )
    Bigphilyyy - Know Me
    Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft
    Tove Lo - Influence (TM88 Remix)
    Radiohead - Creep
    Pablo Alborán - Perdóname


    Russ - Some Time
    James Brown - It's a Man's World
    Chromeo - Old 45's

    George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Bad to the Bone

    Rock - Trash Metal - Etc


    Metallica - Sad But True
    Deftones - My Own Summer
    Slayer - Human Disease
    Slayer - Wicked
    Marilyn Manson - (s)AINT
    Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
    No Doubt - Just A Girl
    No Doubt - Sunday Morning


    Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy
    Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
    Tiny Tim - Tiptoe Through The Tulips

    That's about it for me...

    Edit # 105: Nu stiu cand mai  "intru" asa ca...

    Romanian Manele


    nc8tKnf.png UT6jDcL.jpg WNZ76uy.jpg OdXJ7ul.jpg nc8tKnf.png


    Adrian Minune - Copii mei

    Florin Salam - Imi plac Banii
    Florin Salam - Lumea-i rea
    Florin Salam - Femeie VIP
    Narcisa - Nevasta Scumpa
    Narcisa - Tigane tu ai amanta
    Gata, hai cu divortul :))
    Narcisa - Tigane, bagam partajul
    Florin Salam - Iti cumpar lalele
    Florin Salam - Trup si suflet
    Florin Salam - Soarele din viata mea
    Florin Salam - Hai saruta-ma o data
    Florin Salam - Ia-ma viata mea in brate
    Viorica de la Clejani - Constantine, Constantine
    LA - Ochii tai 1999 :)
    Brandy - Le iubesc, le doresc
    Dedicatie pentru toate femeile *lol*. Offffff. Melodia perfecta pentru a initia Divort.
    Adrian Minune si Mihaita Piticu - Vorbesc cu inima mea
    Vali Vijelie - Sa iubesti doua femei
    Ditto ^^^
    Adrian Minune - Bercea Mondialu
    Florin Salam - La Inima M-ai Ars
    Kamarad - Tanti Tanti
    Florin Salam - Zana Zanelor
    Instrumentala la Betie - Cand te duci, chipurile, sa dormi, dar te lingi cu prietena cea mai buna a sotiei. xD
    Florin Salam - Raki Taki Tarara
    Florin Salam - La inima m-ai ars
    Fantastick - Carolina
    Mihaita Piticu & Adrian Minune - Am sa bag doua ziare
    Copilu de aur - Daca ma ierti
    Copilul de Aur si Laura Vass - Nu vreau banii tai
    Florin Salam - Daca te mariti cu mine
    Tudor Gheorghe - Mărine, la nunta ta
    Adrian Minune - Ce miracol ce minune
    Baga la cap versurile ;)
    Adrian Minune - Doua vorbe
    R.I.P. Denisa (Say NO to drugs)
    Denisa & Valencio - Ce frumosi sunt ochii tai
    Manele Overload - Manele Eroare - RangFort Blue Screen - M-am indragostit de Roscata aia.
    Sandu Ciorba - Piratu
    Sandu Ciorba - Capitano
    Imnul lui None aka Mihai
    Ion Luican - M-a facut mama oltean
    Elis Armeanca - La maxim
    Nicolae guta - Ma bate vantu' in fata
    Grigore Lese - Cântă cucu-n Bucovina
    Am dansat odata cu sora soacrei....vai de capu' si zilele mele, si'acum am cosmaruri. Noroc cu acloolul.
    Romeo Fantastick - Pinguinul
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
    Elis Armeanca - Cine e inima mea
    Sa iasa fum din podea !!!!111
    Formatia Expres - 5 bani 10 bani 15 - 25 de bani
    Pentru Psiho, Braileanu si Kenda ( eram beat, sorry, love you guys <3 )
    Sunt somer si asta-mi place - Mita de la Bals
    Adrian Minune - Am un milion
    Florin Salam - Avioanele Americane
    Nu saliva aiurea... daca nu sti ce fac "fetele" astea in 'veatza reala' ;)
    Mr .Juve - Nebunia lu' Juvel
    Nicolae Guta - Ce frumoasa esti
    Sector 7
    Se stieee Ha! Ha! Ha! Soloooo
    Giovanny Grandiossu - Sictir Pufos [Sector 7]
    Andrei Comediantu' - Gaudeamus Igitur [Sector 7]
    Pentru dG90aSBjYXJlIGF1IGZhY3V0IGJhbmkgaW50cmUgMTk5OSBzaSAyMDE3 (cine decodeaza textul are 10 euro)
    Florin Salam - Iar am pus-o

    Peste 130 de edit-uri / Voi posta si o categorie cu " Manele" dar am nevoie de mai mult curaj....


    Asteptam si alte Playlist-uri ! <3 ! Curaj ! Haideeeee !

    • Like 1
    • Thank you ! 1
  14. English

    Man this footbal game play reminds me when my mom bought me and my brother our first PC. I think it was a 4x86 or 6x86 can't remember. I would skip school, steal cigarettes from my mom's purse, then play video games like the vagabond I still am to this day. Nice goal at 34:11 !!! :)) DAAYUM !!! :))

    So yeah, I don't want to steal your post @Cazador but I would play Fifa 98 or some type of Fifa, can't remember which Fifa worked on the old PCs. But I had friends over as well. I will keep all my personal thoughts for my upcoming personal Gaming Journal which I will try to post in English as well.

    To sum it up, your Gaming Journal post is possibly the definition of how future posts must look like from other Rangfort members !


    Nu stiu sa scriu in Romana lol. E greu de tradus =)). Pe scurt, postarea lui @Cazador poate fi folosita ca Model Postare pentru sectiunea Jurnaul Tau. Nu va grabiti, fiti cat se poate de sinceri si incercati sa detaliati, daca se poate, de la primul joc video care l-ati jucat pana la ultimul.

    Sanatate all !


    PS: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post on someone else's Gaming Journal, for future reference please let me know and let others know.

    • Thank you ! 1
  15. Sup Y'alls. I'm gonna write my point of view on this subject, I tend to lose track of the amount of bullshit I write so please forgive me. Also keep in mind I'm in my 30's so I look at games with a wish of a 10 year old and judgement limits of a jobless 25.

    Having the time to play video games these days is a luxury, for me at least, I can't afford the time... Also, we or I, must be admit that competitive games like CS:GO are meant to be played by the young generation of people, with ages between 8 to 15 and, to not look like a weirdo ( myself included ) I guess 35 max if you have a relaxed financial situation or you're a GOD and have impeccable gaming skills, I'm writing about competitive play, not casual.

    I can make a choice how I want to spend my time almost unconsciously, anything else than working is wrong lol, choosing to either work and make money or spend time playing games is a mature and important decision, you must know your priorities and limitations, being a meticulous fellow by nature I tend to play a game completing every challenge, every mission, basically nitpicking the shit out of it. I've lost many many months playing Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 4 or Thief or Doom or RE:7... etc etc.. Even though I was aware I was kind of wasting time, but that feeling of playing a game you enjoy, having an unlimited source of whiskey and cigarettes lol - who can pass that shit up !?

    @BlackPearl Indeed there are relatively more active Admins on CS 1.6 public servers but the graphics and game-play do not compare with CS:GO, no matter how you look at it. But I understand the point you were making about cheaters and I admit it is true. To really build your skill I think you have to play on LAN or FaceIT or ESEA etc. Playing CS:GO on matchmaking is like going blind in an Amazon jungle.


    On 10/4/2018 at 9:32 PM, Skadi said:

    I'm playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey. The game is gorgeous, it's at least on par with the last one (Origins). I like how Ubisoft changed the formula from the previous games, the new RPG approach to the game is much, much better.

    Here are some pics i took from the game (not the best, but still) ->  https://postimg.cc/gallery/2alszf4lq/

    I saw some gameplay on Twitch , this game looks awesome and can't wait to play it myself. But honestly as my time is limited I'm really looking forward to Doom Eternal , Resident Evil 2 Remake, CyberPunk 2077 and some really nice games on PlayStation only which pisses me off because I hate playing on controller, I feel like a noob without a mouse.

    On 10/5/2018 at 1:53 PM, Cazador said:

    Meanwhile you guys are playing the lastest games, I cant wait to get a good PC so I can enjoy Counter-Strike: Global Offesive. :))

    Ha, well bro , I had a slow-ass PC for many years and got an upgrade many many many years later, having a 'good pc' is way overrated once you're finished playing everything...you'll just be like 'So what now ?!'. That's just my option from my experiences. As Skadi says your time will come ! Just try to be careful about the Processor and Video Card components, many pre-built PCs tend to have only one good component to attract clients, putting pressure on that component and lacking balance.

    My 2 cents on this subject, just try to imagine my points of view as optional and for the future, I'm Gandalfy. =)).

    • Like 3
  16. Nick-ul tău: None / MihaiGT / MikeGTS / Scarba aia de None sau cum draq il cheama.
    Prenume: Mihai
    Vârsta: 3...
    Locaţia: Bucuresti / Constanta
    Ocupaţie: Oportunist
    Jocul(rile) preferat(e): Nu sunt intr-o ordine specifica: Doom, Hitman, Outlast 1/2, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, GTA V (doar Single Player.... Online = laba trista ), Fallout - New VegasFallout 4The Evil Within 2Alien: IsolationThief: Deadly Shadows sau Thief (ultimul) si Quake (1/2/3 Arena si 4 si CS GO.

    *Jocuri pe care le astept: DOOM EternalResident Evil 2 RemakeThe Last of Us Part 2, etc. etc.
    Hobby-urile tale: Sa-mi fac familia fericita, sa nu duca lipsa de nimic - inafara de mine.
    Interese: Bani
    Descriere personala: Ciudat, Visator, Traiesc in lumea mea - realitatea pt. mine este 00.01% reala, Influentabil - daca esti de o femeie frumoasa uit cum ma cheama si iti dau pin-ul de la card si chilotii, Iubesc Adevarul, Sinceritatea, Urasc minciuna, invidia ('prietenii aceeia valabili 1 saptamana)
    De unde ai aflat de Comunitatea Rangfort ?: Gugăl Sărci
    Numele prietenilor aflati în comunitate (dacă există): Toti care ma stiu si nu ma injura in gand.
    O frază de sfârşit: Ză End =))

    Edit OCT 7 2018: JPG removed :ph34r:


    • Like 1
  17. :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:



    Love u you guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not drunk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One bottle is 0.

    Head Banger:


    HAI CU NEXT BAIETI / FETE !!! <3 !!!!!!!!!

    • Haha 1
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