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[FREE]:  Vanguard Princess


1. Create a new Playfire account : https://www.playfire.com/

2. Link this Playfire account with your Steam account (Playfire account settings).

3. The Steam key for "Vanguard Princess" will appear on your Playfire profile or mail.

4. Sometimes this takes a little bit longer. Please be patient.


Cei care aveti cont playfire legat de un cont steam , trebuie sa faceti un alt cont NOU de steam si de playfire tot NOU , doar asa primiti jocul.


Asa am facut acum si am reusit sa i-au jocul.



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[FREE]: Swipcart


Site-ul merge c-am greu , au probleme cu hostul...


  1. You must be a member of the WGN Chat Steam Group.
  2. You must have a public Steam profile.
  3. If you just joined the group, it may take a few minutes for your cache to update.

Follow the developer on Twitter


Eu am dat si Follow pe Twitter ca am cont, dar nu stiu daca este necesar pentru a putea primi casuta pentru e-mail.


Dupa ce adaugati emai-lul in casuta lui apasati ENTER.



Edited by Vallentin
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[FREE]: Swipcart


Site-ul merge c-am greu , au probleme cu hostul...


  1. You must be a member of the WGN Chat Steam Group.
  2. You must have a public Steam profile.
  3. If you just joined the group, it may take a few minutes for your cache to update.

Follow the developer on Twitter


Eu am dat si Follow pe Twitter ca am cont, dar nu stiu daca este necesar pentru a putea primi casuta pentru e-mail.


Dupa ce adaugati emai-lul in casuta lui apasati ENTER.





Vad ca au domeniul offline de la site si cu Twiter nu mi-a mers am dat si Follow si nu a mers nu stiu cum il pot activa altfel

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  • Visit this Pre-order page
  • Sign in through Steam (green Button)
  • Click on “Support the game on Thunderclap.”
  • Then, click the button below (“Enter” appears a few seconds later)
  • Done icon_wink.gif – now you have reserved your key for the Early Access:
    Steam Release Date: Pending (estimated 23 February)

Eu am intrat , acu sa vad daca si primesc jocurl pe data de 23 Februarie aproximativ.


Asa mi-o aparut mie dupa ce am dat ENTER :


Edited by Vallentin
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