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[Tutorial] - instalare server PREDATOR


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Acest plugin pe permite jucatorilor sa devina predator dar trebuie sa
plateasca un pret in bani sau /si fraguri (stabilit de admin)
Predatorul are 200 HP si 500 AP este invizibil iar viteza si sariturile
sunt mai mari decat cele ale unui player normal.
Predatorul de asemenea are o vedere mai buna.
Cand moare devine inapoi un player normal.
El nu poate folosi arme doar plasma.si poate omora dintr-o singura
lovitura de cutit.
Daca predatorul face un headshot atunci fa primi un punct bonus(asta
decide adminul)

Comenzi admin:

admin_enable_predator 1/0 == Turns on and off the predator mode

admin_everyone_predator 1/0 == Turns on and off the EVERYONE predator
mode (default 0) *NOTE, if on, u must choose a predator or u die*

admin_frags_predator [number]Decide how many frags you need to pay to
become a predator (default 20)

admin_money_predator [number] == Decides how much money you need to pay
to become a predator (default 16,000)

admin_plasma_predator[number] == Decides how many plasma shots a
predator will get (default 3)

admin_frags_plasma [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets
for plasma kill (default 1)

admin_frags_knife [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets
for knife kill (default 2)

admin_kill_money [number] == Decides how much money a predator gets for
each kill (default 300)

admin_predator [name][type][plasma] == Change a player into a predator,
choose type of predator and amount of plasma

admin_predatorteam [team][type][plasma] == Same as admin_predaotr just
to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)

admin_unpredator [name] == Change a predator into a human

admin_unpredatorteam [team] == Same as admin_unpredator just to a full
team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)

admin_addplasma [name][number] == Adds Plasma shoots to a predator
(player have to be a predator)

admin_predator_custom [name][type] == Changes a player's MODEL into a
predator model *NOTE, HE IS NOT A PREDATOR*

admin_view_predator [number] == Changes the speed of the bodyheat
(default 0.2) [change map to take effect] {version 1.94+)

admin_hp_predator [number] == sets amount of HP the predator gets
(default 200) {version 1.95 only}

Comenzi Client:

ppfire == Shoot a plasma ball (i suggest u bind it to mouse3)
pcview == Change the view mode of the predator (i suggest u bind it to
dbinds == Auto bind the client functions into the default keys
say /predatorhelp == help about other predator say commands

Download (6.01 MB, 1073 downloads, adaugat 08-01-2009)

Modele,sprites si sounds
Uitati link-ul http://www.wikiuploa...e.php?id=119866si
http://d.turboupload...strike.rar.htmlcare are nevoie

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