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Cerere avatar - Alecks.


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Avatar/Semnatura/Logo/Banner/etc : Avatar.
Tema pozei / Stock-ul dorit ( obligatoriu ) : .GIF
Text principal : Alecks.
Text secundar ( rangfort / www.rangfort.ro / nume server ) : RANGFORT.RO
Alte precizari : Mulţumesc vă dau o idee - 

Link de la ultima cerere: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/53023-cerere-avatar-alecks/

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For Moderator's allow .... You read the rules

Go read the rules and then comment here ! 

The type of member you have, has nothing to do with the decision of the GIF

- Singurele creatii ce vor fi rezolvate vor fi cele STATICE, cererile de tip .GIF NU vor fi luate in considerare.Doar membrii care fac parte din staff au dreptul sa ceara astfel de creatii.





@BlackPearl: - Persoanele care fac parte din staff si cer creatii .GIF au dreptul la o singura creatie de tip. gif pe luna. , stop doing post hunt here both of you or i will start to warn you, here are allowed only designers to take a decision.

Edited by BlackPearl
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Go read the rules and then comment here ! 

The type of member you have, has nothing to do with the decision of the GIF

- Singurele creatii ce vor fi rezolvate vor fi cele STATICE, cererile de tip .GIF NU vor fi luate in considerare.Doar membrii care fac parte din staff au dreptul sa ceara astfel de creatii.





@BlackPearl: - Persoanele care fac parte din staff si cer creatii .GIF au dreptul la o singura creatie de tip. gif pe luna. , stop doing post hunt here both of you or i will start to warn you, here are allowed only designers to take a decision.

#Edit I was old designer in this community + you are not designer so you must get out and get warn

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#Edit I was old designer in this community + you are not designer so you must get out and get warn

Daca doresti sa postezi in sectiunea de cereri, trebuie sa postezi avatar-ul care l-a cerut daca doresti, daca nu, nu postezi doar pentru un +1.

@cocolinO #56, Moderator part of the staff, so it has the right to ask .GIF images.

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Daca doresti sa postezi in sectiunea de cereri, trebuie sa postezi avatar-ul care l-a cerut daca doresti, daca nu, nu postezi doar pentru un +1.

@cocolinO #56, Moderator part of the staff, so it has the right to ask .GIF images.

Then do what you want. :)) I don't care either ...

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UP, am vorbit şi cu Mr.Panda şi mi-a zis să aştept că decât Julia lucrează în AE, dădeam Bump dar pot peste 14h.


Alecks, daca mai doresti avatar, te rog sa lasi un Bump la topic, sau sa scri UP,

Cine mai raspunde de dragu de a face post-uri(si nu posteaza Avatarul, va fi sanctionat pentru post Hunt).

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