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Posts posted by MyStErYDoGg

  1. # Autor : :D

    # Mod: -

    # Descriere:  

    Aruncă zarurile pentru o surpriză plăcută!

    Jucătorii pot arunca zarurile prin comanda !rollthedice sau !rtd și pot obține o surpriză din partea plugin-ului respectiv:  

    • obținerea aleatorie de HP;
    • pierderea aleatorie a HP-ului prin slap;
    • obținerea unei sume de bani aleatoariu;
    • pierderea aleatorie de bani;
    • obținerea unei arme aleatoriu;
    • pierderea aleatorie a unei arme:
    • creșterea vitezei de mers;
    • invizibilitate;
    • strălucirea jucătorului;
    • vampir: obține HP prin daunele acordate inamicului;
    • daune proprii: pierderea HP-ului dacă lovești un inamic;
    • ochelari de soare: flash-urile nu te vor mai deranja;
    • vedere încețoșată;
    • berserker: obține HP, armură și un impuls de viteză, se poate folosi DOAR cuțitul care ucide instantaneu victimele;
    • muniție infinită;
    • arme blocate;
    • sărituri necontrolate.

          Install instructions

    Unzip the archive to your cstrike folder. If you want to disable specific features, see cstrike/addons/sourcemod/config/ata_rollthedice.cfg.
    Version >=0.3 requires the Dukehacks extension. I added a "nodukehacks" version which doesn't require the extension in case you are too lazy to install it although it's missing that nice knockback in berserker mode and I didn't test this version at all. So go for the normal dukehacks version unless you have good reasons not to use it!
    Version >=0.5.1 doesn't need extensions anymore!



    See cstrike/cfg/sourcemod/ata_rollthedice.cfg which will be created by the plugin after the first start.




    * Initial release
    * Added some comments to code
    * Berserker kills have some extra gore and victims are knocked back
    * Plugin announcement as requested
    * Ability to enable/disable single features as requested
    * Configurable sounds
    * Added beacon to "Glow" effect
    * Bug fixes
    * Bug Fixes
    * Configurable dice count per map as requested
    * Configurable amount of extra gore in berserker mode
    * Added effect: infinite ammo
    * Added effect: weapon jam
    * Added effect: froggy legs
    * Fixed: sounds not playing sometimes
    * Fixed closing of invalid handles (causing error messages in log)
    * using sdkhooks instead of dukehacks (will use "ataextension" later)
    * using no extensions at all.
    * fixed announcement timer bug (thanks to dataviruset)
    0.5.3b (dataviruset edit):
    * translation problems fixed
    0.5.3c (dataviruset edit):
    * updated gamedata to work with Windows-servers
    * merged dataviruset's changes
    * fixed bug in function RemoveRandomWeaponFromSlot (tried to remove world entity)
    * added spanish translation (thanks to Franc1sco)
    * fixed disabling announcement / setting sm_rtd_announce_interval to 0
    * broken "extra gore" for berserker mode can be disabled by setting "sm_rtd_berserker_extra_gore" to 0
    * another fix in RemoveRandomWeaponFromSlot
    * works with new versions of CSS and with CS:GO
    * druggy view and extra gore in berserker mode were temporarily disabled because of compatibility issues 


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  2. # Autor : :D

    # Mod: -

    # Descriere : Startul începe cu un cuțit în mână. Omoară-i pe toți pentru a putea să le obții arma lor!

    Acest game mod forțează jucătorii să lupte pentru supraviețuirea lor. Obiectivul jocului este foarte simplu: TREBUIE SĂ SUPRAVIEȚUIEȘTI!

    Începi doar cu un cuțit și armură. Omoară un jucător pentru a dobândi arma lui. După aceea trebuie să faci orice posibil să rămâi în viață, pentru că odată ce mori te-ai întors din nou de la zero. Cuțitul pe care-l ai este foarte puternic, poate ucide un jucător dintr-o singură lovitură. Dovedește ce poți. Distracție plăcută și succes. Veți avea nevoie!


    • sm_bones_knifedmgmulti - Amount to multiply damage of the knife. <Default: 2>
    • sm_bones_givedefuser - Give Defuse Kits? <Default: 1>
    • sm_bones_givearmor - Give Armor to Humans? <Default: 0>
    • sm_bones_armoramt - How Much Armor? <Default: 100>
    • sm_bones_givehelm - Give Helmet? <Default: 1>
    • sm_bones_dropall - Drop both Primary and Secondary guns on death? <Default: 1>   



    sm_reload_weapons - Reîncarcă armele din dosar.




          Change Log


    Initial Release
    Fixed defuse kits being given on maps that aren't bomb maps
    Optimized the code to Bl4nk and DaFox's specifications
    Changed the capture of Bomb maps to func_bomb_target not map name
    Fixed defuse kit falling to ground if you live (aka getting a second defuse kit)
    Brand new release (almost fully recoded)
    Switched from hooker to sdkhooks
    fixed for orange box
    Added in a cvar to change the knife multiplier damage.
    100% full re-code.
    Added multiple Cvars.
    Moved the weapons array to a text file instead of inside of the plugin for easier customizing.
    Code is more efficient.
    CSGO SUPPORT!!!! finally haha
    Few more optimizations.
    small bug fixes when stripping weapons.
    Major code Overhaul fixing minor bugs and adding features
    Changed the file system for 100% CS:GO and CS:S FULLY CUSTOMISABLE!!!!!
    Added cvar to drop all existing guns (Primary & Secondary) Controllable by cvar
    Fixed Linux support. This plugin now supports Linux servers
    Bug Fix: Stripping every round regardless of you surviving.
    Bug Fix:Actually fixed said bug in 3.1.2 HAHA Stupid me i forgot the join team event(g_bFirstConnect was never false) using new method for this. 


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  3. # Autor : :D
    # Mod: Classic
    # Descriere: GO:VIP este un mod simplu VIP. La începutul fiecărei runde, un CT va deveni VIP, totul aleatoriu. Totul depinde de echipa CT dacă dorește să escorteze VIP-ul în siguranță în unele zone de salvare situate pe hartă. Și, bineînțeles, rămâne la latitudinea teroriștilor dacă vor sau nu să ucidă VIP-ul înainte de a scăpa într-o zonă sigură. VIP-ul este echipat cu un pistol cu muniție limitată și un cuțit.
    1. Creați un fișier cu următorul cuprins la addons / sourcemod / configs / rescue_zones.cfg:

            "Rescue Zone"
                "coords" "-1791.968750 3521.518555 65.151741"
            "Rescue Zone"
                "coords" "859.654541 2377.340332 192.093811"
    "radius" "250"


     govip_min_ct (default: 2) - Minimum number of CTs to play GOVIP
    govip_min_t (default: 1) - Minimum number of Ts to play GOVIP
    govip_weapon (default: weapon_p250) - Weapon given to VIP  


    0. Install required extension: http://users.alliedmods.net/~psychon.../sdkhooks/2.2/
    1. Copy govip.smx into addons/sourcemod/plugins.
    Optional but recommended, copy rescue_zones.cfg int addons/sourcemod/configs and tweak it to add additional map support.
    3. Restart your server

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  4. # Autor : :D

    # Mod: GunGame, Progressive Mode.

    # Descriere: Acest plugin vă oferă mai mult SPEED și HP la nivelul cuțitelor în Arms Race


    vor fi generate automat după pornire plug-1 în dosarul CFG!



    "csgo_knife_speed", "1.3", "CS:GO Speed for ArmsRace Knife Level"
    "csgo_knife_health", "0.0", "CS:GO +Health a Player becomes on ArmsRace Knife Level"


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  5. # Autor : :D

    # Mod: -

    # Descriere: Acest plugin nu permite unui player să stagneze într-un singur loc într-un anumit interval de timp ( Acesta poate fi setat din cvar-uri ) , player-ul primind slap-uri regulat



    • sm_anticamp_enable 1
      "Set to 0 to disable anticamp"
    • sm_anticamp_beacon 1
      "Set to 0 to disable beacons"
    • sm_anticamp_take_cash 0
      "Amount of money decrease while camping every 2 sec. Set 0 to disable"
    • sm_anticamp_mincash 0
      "Minimum money a camper reserves"
    • sm_anticamp_blind 0
      "Blind player while camping"
    • sm_anticamp_slap_mode 1
      "Set 1 to slap or 2 to slay (kills instantly). Set 0 to disable both"
    • sm_anticamp_slap_dmg 5
      "Amount of health decrease while camping every 2 sec. Ignored for slay"
    • sm_anticamp_minhealth 15
      "Minimum health a camper reserves. Set 0 to slap till dead. If slay set the health from which player will not be killed"
    • sm_anticamp_punish_delay 2
      Delay between camper notification and first punishment in secounds
    • sm_anticamp_punish_freq 2
      Time between punishments while camping in secounds
    • sm_anticamp_minhealth_camp 1
      "Set 0 to allow camping below minhealth. Set 1 to punish without damage"
    • sm_anticamp_radius 120
      "The radius to check for camping"
    • sm_anticamp_camptime 30
      "The amount of times a suspected camper is checked for"
    • sm_anticamp_t_camp 1
      "Set to 1 to allow camping for t on cs maps. 0 = Disable"
    • sm_anticamp_t_camp_planted 1
      "Set to 1 to allow camping for Ts if bomb planted. Set to 0 to disable"
    • sm_anticamp_ct_camp 1
      "Set to 1 to allow camping for ct on de maps. 0 = Disable"
    • sm_anticamp_ct_camp_dropped 1
      "Set to 1 to allow camping for ct if bomb dropped. Is only needed if sm_anticamp_ct_camp is 0"

    Installation instructions

        The anticamp_css_weapons.cfg and anticamp_csgo_weapons.cfg goes into /cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs.
    The anticamp.phrases.txt goes into /cstrike/addons/sourcemod/translations.

    The anticamp.smx goes into /cstrike/addons/sourcemod/plugins.



    -another timer fix, that should be all

    -fixed this
    -and fixed this

    -full support for CS:GO (and CS:S)
    -replaced anticamp_weapons.cfg with seperate css and csgo version
    -2 new cvars sm_anticamp_punish_delay and sm_anticamp_punish_freq (default they are both 2, which is the old behavior)
    -some code and performance improvements
    -new versions require latest Sourcemod 1.5.0 on CS:S ans CS:GO
    -please backup your settings and delete old plugin.anticamp.cfg, the plugin will generate a new one

    -fixed teamcolor in chat (thx Bacardi)
    -add FCVAR_DONTRECORD for CVAR anticamp_css_version

    -some code improvements
    -add CVARs
    -changed CVARs
    -add slay mode
    -add blind and money reduction punishment
    -new translation (thx kajla)

    -some code improvements

    -some code improvements
    -don't detect campers after round end

    -improved logging
    -add CVARs
    -changed CVARs
    -fix bug with sm_anticamp_ct_camp and sm_anticamp_ct_camp_dropped
    -fixed not compiling on SourceMod 1.0

    -logging camper
    -blue baecon for CT's
    -only detect camper if both teams have alive player
    -added new CVARs
    -fixed compiler warnings
    -now you will be really slaped (till the dead if sm_anticamp_health 0)


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  6. # Autor : :D

    # Mod: -

    # Descriere:  Acest plugin introduce playerii într-o anumită echipă pentru echilibrarea și desfășurarea cât mai corectă a jocului .


    // Number of players to play. (0 means everybody will be assaigned a team.)
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    sm_chooseforme_teamsize "0"

    CFG va fi creat după prima rulare a plugin-ului.



    sm_cfmswap <name|playerlist> , swaps player to other team.
    sm_cfmspec <name|playerlist>, swaps player to spectator mode.

    Writing "playerlist" instead of name will open a player list menu.

    sm_chooseforme <player count|Optional>



    Player Count:

    • x=0 Distribute every player to teams
    • x>0 Distribute x players to teams
    • without an argument (sm_chooseforme)  utilizează valoarea în CFG


    Admin Menu


    "Randomize teams"
    "admin" "sm_admin"
    "cmd" "sm_cfmrandomize @1"
    "execute" "player"
    "type" "list"
    "title" "Players Count"
    "1" "10"
    "1." "10 players"
    "2" "12"
    "2." "12 players"
    "3" "20"
    "3." "20 players"
    "4" "32"
    "4." "32 players"
    "5" "0"
    "5." "Everyone"
    "Switch Player Team"
    "admin" "sm_admin"
    "cmd" "sm_cfmswap playerlist"
    "execute" "player"
    "Switch to Spec"
    "admin" "sm_admin"
    "cmd" "sm_cfmspec playerlist"
    "execute" "player"


                   Available Translations





    • V1.5.3, 2014-07-29
      • Updater fix
    • V1.5.2, 2013-04-18
      • Dropbox related updater fix
    • V1.5.1, 2012-08-30
      • Code Cleaning
      • Skin Related Code Adjustments
      • Translations Support
      • Added translation: Tr
      • Updater Support
    • V1.4, 2012-08-25
      • CS:GO support
      • Custom model friendly (server side models at CS:S)
    • V1.3, 2012-07-27
      • *Fixed model bug when alive targets are switched between teams.
    • V1.2, 2012-06-30
      • Round ends when last member of a team is switched.
      • If the terrorist with C4 is swithed to CT, drops the bomb first.
    • V1.1, 2012-06-27
      • Fixed switching Source Tv to team bug
      • Added internal player menu for swapping. (sm_cfmswap playerlist, sm_cfmspec playerlist)
    • v1.0, 2012-06-01
      • Initial release. 

    Link Dowload aici


  7. # Autor : :D

    # Mod: GunGame

    # Descriere:  Acest plugin îți oferă șansa de a primi aleatoriu sau când un player moare "pachete" de viață . Acestora li se pot schimba valorile din cvar-uri .


    // VERSION 1.6
    // added sound when pickup a HealthPack
    // VERSION 1.7
    // added max. Health where a player can pickup a healthpack
    // VERSION 1.8
    // added Cvar to control what happens when max HP is reached!
    // VERSION 1.9
    // added Sound when max HP reached
    // VERSION 2.0
    // added "do nothing" to what happens when max HP reached!
    // tranlation file!
    // VERSION 2.1
    // added CVARs to disable messages!
    // VERSION 2.2
    // added new Models!
    // VERSION 2.3
    // soundfile mario powerup!
    // VERSION 2.4
    // added MAX HP check (thanks to Tpunkt for info)
    // VERSION 2.5
    // added new Model HL2-healthkit & code cleanup
    //VERSION 2.6
    //added max Entities Check to prevent crashes!
    //changed sdkhook from Touch -> StartTouch
    //added new Model cs_gift
    //VERSION 2.7
    // added better collision dedection (thanks to Root)FROM ROOT (thanks a lot)
    //reverted from V2.6 :sdkhook from StartTouch -> Touchback
    //VERSION 2.8
    // changed soundpath (you can use any MP3 file now for pickupsound)



    // <#> = Amount of HP to add to a player when pick up a Healthpack
    // -
    // Default: "40"
    // Minimum: "5.000000"
    // Maximum: "300.000000"
    csgo_drop_health_amount "40"

    // drop a Package every X deaths! 0 = disable - when enabled random drop is disabled
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "60.000000"
    csgo_drop_health_counter "0"

    // <#> = number of seconds a dropped Healthpackage stays on the map
    // -
    // Default: "30"
    // Minimum: "10.000000"
    // Maximum: "180.000000"
    csgo_drop_health_lifetime "30"

    // max. Amount of Health a Player can have to pickup a Healthpack
    // -
    // Default: "150"
    // Minimum: "100.000000"
    // Maximum: "600.000000"
    csgo_drop_health_maximum "150"

    // what happens when max. Health is reached: 0 = delete Healthpack , 1 = Healthpack will dropped from next dead player , 2 = do nothing with Healthpack
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "2.000000"
    csgo_drop_health_maximum_var "1"

    // Enable(1) or disable(0) message when a Pack was dropped
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    csgo_drop_message_dropped "0"

    // Enable (1) or disable(0) message when Pickup a Pack
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    csgo_drop_message_pickup "1"

    // Model to use: 0=chianti bottle; 1=chicken; 2=Life Ring; 3=Mushroom_Small; 4=Mushroom_Large; 5=HL2-Healthkit; 6=CS_GIFT
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "4.000000"
    csgo_drop_model "2"

    // Enable (1) or disable(0) your own PickUp Soundfile
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    csgo_drop_own_pickup_sound "0"

    // Own Sound played when Pickup the Pack(must be in a DIR inside the music folder & MP3!)
    // -
    // Default: "darky/mario_powerup.mp3"
    csgo_drop_pickup_sound "darky/mario_powerup.mp3"


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