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Everything posted by BlackPearl

  1. Canal creat te astept pe ts pentru gradul de Fondator
  2. #Acceptat Sa contactezi un Administrator pentru grad.
  3. Canal creat. Te astept pe TS pentru gradul de Fondator.
  4. Choosed [Cs 1.6 or Cs GO ] : "Counter Strike Global Offensive" Well Counter Strike 1.6 is the oldest version of this game also have aloooot of players and servers i belive more than CS:GO but there are alot of difference between of those 2 versions and those are: Graphic - Counter Strike Global Offensive have way much better graphic even is asking an better computer to play on it. Cheaters - Well on CS 1.6 are way too many of them and most of the time they are not really good punished otherwise of CS:GO where you can play only Steam ON and if you cheat on there you can say good bye to your Steam Account or how we call it "Enjoy your VACation" and yeah is more easy to caugh an cheater on CS:GO and get his Steam Account VAC BANNED than on 1.6 Source of playing - In Counter Strike Global Offensive they have made an new system wich is Competitive Matches like Warnight / Mix on 1.6 but there is all moderated by Valve Moderators and you have 2 different ranking systems wich are Competitive Matches and Medals Ranking where you can get weapons as drop in game why i just said weapons ? Well all default weapons are for free but if you want to get some cool skins you have to buy it or play that game and get them from the cases or server drop wich is an good posibility what you can have. There are more things to be explained about Counter Strike Global Offensive , i dont say that 1.6 is the worst one but right now all i can see CS:GO is getting more players day by day and is going to reach the 1st place of the most played game at the moment and if you dont belive me well borrow the game on Steam and play it for at the last 1 month and you will change your mind in the end.
  5. Pai cred ca nu ai vazut cerintele in primul rand. Activitate pe acea sectiune nu am vazut deloc deci #Contra.
  6. #Pro Sectiunea chiar ar fii necesara pe zona IT.
  7. Canal Creat. Te astept pe TS pentru gradul de Fondator. Topic inchis.
  8. Deci incepem cu inceputu , ce cauti tu pe un canal care lumea nu te vrea ? , ei se injura acolo intre ei ca isi permit si tu ca sa vii acolo sa te intrebe cine esti si nu le zici au tot dreptul sa te dea afara de pe canalul lor dar totusi: Banul ramane. Topic inchis.
  9. BlackPearl

    YouTube !

    Ceva frumos de vazut
  10. #Contra Nu ai experienta in moderat , nu ai activitate + ai 10 puncte de warn pentru post hunt , nu stii regulamentul.
  11. #Contra Activitate nu ai deloc.
  12. #Contra ai motivele deja mentionate mai sus , nu respecti cerintele necesare pentru acest grad.
  13. #Respins Motivele e ca nu intrii deloc pe TeamSpeak , mai fa ceva activitate dupa care iti vom oferi un canal.
  14. Canal creat. Te astept pe TS pentru gradul de Fondator. Topic inchis.
  15. Canal creat si acces pus. Topic inchis.
  16. #Contra acelasi motiv ca si Sp1dey , mai fa ceva activitate , vino cu ceva nou pentru a atrage membrii spre activitatea ta.
  17. #Contra activitate nu ai , faci de multe ori post hunt , topicuri fara rost si nu respecti regulamentul.
  18. Canal creat. Te astept pe TS pentru gradul de fondator Topic inchis.
  19. #Respins avem destui DJ.
  20. Nu detii gradul de Moderator si nu trebuie sa fii prezent. Topic inchis pana la sedinta cei care nu au postat sa imi lasati PM cu Data si Ora cand puteti fii prezenti. Cei care nu vor anunta vor ramane fara grad si dreptul de reintoarcere in staff.
  21. Alright , welcome again on here. To avoid any spam / post hunt / off topic and so on i will close this topic. Than you everyone for the greetings and wishes posted on here.
  22. Nu sunt chiar excelente dar merg si totusi lasa post huntul sa nu ajungem la warn nu trebuie sa dai reply la fiecare post facut ajunge un Like. Keep Working.
  23. Sedinta se tine doar cu Moderatori | Super Moderatori | Administratori , tu nu faci parte din STAFF si nu e nevoie sa fii prezent.
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