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Everything posted by .Metrix

  1. multumesc dar nu stiu ce inseamna asta...daca stiam probabil nu mai ceream ajutor EDIT: am adaugat #define client_print_color si s-a compilat cu avertisment...cand ma uit in amx_plugins vad ca ruleaza dar nu are efect, adica nu arata mesajele pe server si restu... hp_test.sma(27 -- 28) : warning 215: expression has no effect hp_test.sma(147 -- 148) : warning 215: expression has no effect hp_test.sma(157 -- 158) : warning 215: expression has no effect hp_test.sma(167 -- 168) : warning 215: expression has no effect hp_test.sma(177 -- 178) : warning 215: expression has no effect Header size: 1236 bytes Code size: 7352 bytes Data size: 2248 bytes Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=174 cells (696 bytes) Total requirements: 27220 bytes 5 Warnings. Done.
  2. Server :zmp.rangfort.ro Nick :.Metrix. Grad server : Manager La ce doriţi ajutor? : am un plugin care arata viata la moduri si cati zombie/humman sunt in viata dar imi da eroare la compilare Poză cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) :nu este nevoie #include amxmodx #include hamsandwich #include fakemeta #include zombieplague #define ID 666666666 new gs public plugin_init() { set_task(25.0, "rem", _, _, _, "b") RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "playerk",1) gs=CreateHudSyncObj() register_forward(FM_ClientDisconnect,"disco") set_task(60.0 * 4.0, "AddAmmo", .flags="b") } public AddAmmo() { for (new i = 1; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++) { if (!is_user_connected(i)) continue zp_set_user_ammo_packs(i, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(i) + 4) client_print_color(i, i, "^x04[ZP]^x01 Because you are^x03 active^x01 on the server, you got^x03 +4 ammo packs^x01.") } } public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector, nemesis) { if (!task_exists(ID)) set_task(0.72, "inforem", ID) } public zp_user_humanized_post(id, survivor) { if (!task_exists(ID)) set_task(0.72, "inforem", ID) } public playerk(victim,killer,gibs) { if (!task_exists(ID)) set_task(0.72, "inforem", ID) } public spawn(id) { if (!is_user_alive(id)) return if (!task_exists(ID)) set_task(0.72, "inforem", ID) } public disco(id) { if (!task_exists(ID) && zp_has_round_started()) set_task(0.72, "inforem", ID) } getlasthuman() { for (new i = 1;i<=get_maxplayers();i++) { if (is_user_alive(i)&&!zp_get_user_zombie(i)) return i } return -1 } getlastzombie() { for (new i = 1;i<=get_maxplayers();i++) { if (is_user_alive(i)&&zp_get_user_zombie(i)) return i } return -1 } public inforem() { if (!zp_has_round_started()) return new z = zp_get_zombie_count() new h = zp_get_human_count() if (z == 1 && h == 1) { new lasthuman = getlasthuman() new lastzombie = getlastzombie() if (lasthuman != -1 && lastzombie != -1) { new zname[32], hname[32] new zhp[32], hhp[32] get_user_name(lasthuman, hname, 31) get_user_name(lastzombie, zname, 31) AddCommas(get_user_health(lasthuman), hhp, 31) AddCommas(get_user_health(lastzombie), zhp, 31) set_hudmessage(150, 150, 150, 0.69, 0.68, 0, 6.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gs, "%s (%s HP) VS %s (%s HP)", hname, hhp, zname, zhp) } return } if (z == h || !z || !h) return if (z < h) { if (z <= 8) { set_hudmessage(150, 150, 150, 0.78, 0.68, 2, 6.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gs, "%d zombie%s remaining...", z, z==1?"":"s") } } else if (z > h) { if (h <= 8) { set_hudmessage(150, 150, 150, 0.78, 0.68, 2, 6.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(0, gs, "%d human%s remaining...", h, h==1?"":"s") } } } public rem() { static hp[32],id new n = zp_get_nemesis_count() new a = zp_get_assassin_count() new s = zp_get_sniper_count() new v = zp_get_survivor_count() if (n == 1 && !a && !s && !v) { id = getnemesis() if (id!=-1) { AddCommas(get_user_health(id),hp,31) client_print_color(0,id,"^x04[ZP]^x01 A^x03 Rapture^x01 reminder^x04 @^x03 Nemesis^x01 still has^x04 %s health points^x01.", hp) } } if (!n && a==1 && !s && !v) { id = getassassin() if (id!=-1) { AddCommas(get_user_health(id),hp,31) client_print_color(0,id,"^x04[ZP]^x01 A^x03 Rapture^x01 reminder^x04 @^x03 Assassin^x01 still has^x04 %s health points^x01.", hp) } } if (!n && !a && 1==s && !v) { id = getsniper() if (id!=-1) { AddCommas(get_user_health(id),hp,31) client_print_color(0,id,"^x04[ZP]^x01 A^x03 Rapture^x01 reminder^x04 @^x03 Sniper^x01 still has^x04 %s health points^x01.", hp) } } if (!n && !a && !s && v==1) { id = getsurvivor() if (id!=-1) { AddCommas(get_user_health(id),hp,31) client_print_color(0,id,"^x04[ZP]^x01 A^x03 Rapture^x01 reminder^x04 @^x03 Survivor^x01 still has^x04 %s health points^x01.", hp) } } } getnemesis() { for (new i = 1;i<=get_maxplayers();i++) { if(is_user_alive(i)&&zp_get_user_nemesis(i)) return i } return -1 } getassassin() { for (new i = 1;i<=get_maxplayers();i++) { if(is_user_alive(i)&&zp_get_user_assassin(i)) return i } return -1 } getsniper() { for (new i = 1;i<=get_maxplayers();i++) { if(is_user_alive(i)&&zp_get_user_sniper(i)) return i } return -1 } getsurvivor() { for (new i = 1;i<=get_maxplayers();i++) { if(is_user_alive(i)&&zp_get_user_survivor(i)) return i } return -1 } public AddCommas( iNum , szOutput[] , iLen ) { new szTmp[ 15 ] , iOutputPos , iNumPos , iNumLen; if ( iNum < 0 ) { szOutput[ iOutputPos++ ] = '-'; iNum = abs( iNum ); } iNumLen = num_to_str( iNum , szTmp , charsmax( szTmp ) ); if ( iNumLen <= 3 ) { iOutputPos += copy( szOutput[ iOutputPos ] , iLen , szTmp ); } else { while ( ( iNumPos < iNumLen ) && ( iOutputPos < iLen ) ) { szOutput[ iOutputPos++ ] = szTmp[ iNumPos++ ]; if( ( iNumLen - iNumPos ) && !( ( iNumLen - iNumPos ) % 3 ) ) szOutput[ iOutputPos++ ] = ','; } szOutput[ iOutputPos ] = EOS; } return iOutputPos; } eroare zp_rapture_reminder.sma(27) : error 017: undefined symbol "client_print_color" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(137) : error 017: undefined symbol "zp_get_assassin_count" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(138) : error 017: undefined symbol "zp_get_sniper_count" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(147) : error 017: undefined symbol "client_print_color" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(157) : error 017: undefined symbol "client_print_color" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(167) : error 017: undefined symbol "client_print_color" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(177) : error 017: undefined symbol "client_print_color" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(196) : error 017: undefined symbol "zp_get_user_assassin" zp_rapture_reminder.sma(206) : error 017: undefined symbol "zp_get_user_sniper" 9 Errors. Compilarea a esuat!
  3. Ce eroare iti apare in consola?
  4. Rezolvat, am gasit in alt addons un plugin care merge cum trebuie.
  5. Eu vreau sa nu apara la armele de la spawn, vreau sa apara doar in shop si la spawn sa dea ak47 normal.
  6. .Metrix

    Cerere avatar

    Avatar/Semnatura/Logo/Banner/etc : Avatar Tema pozei / Stock-ul dorit ( obligatoriu ) :http://imgur.com/YHINV72 Text principal : .Metrix. Text secundar ( rangfort / www.rangfort.ro / nume server ) :RangFort Alte precizari :Succes Dimensiuni avatar ( 150 x 250 SAU 150 x 300 ) :150 x 250
  7. Nume : zp_extra_goldenak47 Versiune :--- Descriere detaliata : vreau sa imi modificati pluginul in asa fel sa poata fi cumparat doar cu ammo, nu sa poata fi luat din meniul de arme gratis(meniul de la inceput) /* [ZP] Extra Item: Golden Ak 47 Team: Humans Description: This plugin adds a new weapon for Human Teams. Weapon Cost: 30 Features: - This weapon do more damage - This weapon has zoom - Launch Lasers - This weapon has unlimited bullets Credits: KaOs - For his Dual MP5 mod Cvars: - zp_goldenak_dmg_multiplier <5> - Damage Multiplier for Golden Ak 47 - zp_goldenak_gold_bullets <1|0> - Golden bullets effect ? - zp_goldenak_custom_model <1|0> - Golden ak Custom Model - zp_goldenak_unlimited_clip <1|0> - Golden ak Unlimited Clip */ #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <cstrike> #include <zombieplague> #define is_valid_player(%1) (1 <= %1 <= 32) new AK_V_MODEL[64] = "models/zombie_plague/v_golden_ak47.mdl" new AK_P_MODEL[64] = "models/zombie_plague/p_golden_ak47.mdl" /* Pcvars */ new cvar_dmgmultiplier, cvar_goldbullets, cvar_custommodel, cvar_uclip // Item ID new g_itemid new bool:g_HasAk[33] new g_hasZoom[ 33 ] new bullets[ 33 ] // Sprite new m_spriteTexture const Wep_ak47 = ((1<<CSW_AK47)) public plugin_init() { /* CVARS */ cvar_dmgmultiplier = register_cvar("zp_goldenak_dmg_multiplier", "5") cvar_custommodel = register_cvar("zp_goldenak_custom_model", "1") cvar_goldbullets = register_cvar("zp_goldenak_gold_bullets", "1") cvar_uclip = register_cvar("zp_goldenak_unlimited_clip", "1") // Register The Plugin register_plugin("[ZP] Extra: Golden Ak 47", "1.1", "AlejandroSk") // Register Zombie Plague extra item g_itemid = zp_register_extra_item("Golden Ak 47", 30, ZP_TEAM_HUMAN) // Death Msg register_event("DeathMsg", "Death", "a") // Weapon Pick Up register_event("WeapPickup","checkModel","b","1=19") // Current Weapon Event register_event("CurWeapon","checkWeapon","be","1=1") register_event("CurWeapon", "make_tracer", "be", "1=1", "3>0") // Ham TakeDamage RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage") register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart" ) RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1) } public client_connect(id) { g_HasAk[id] = false } public client_disconnect(id) { g_HasAk[id] = false } public Death() { g_HasAk[read_data(2)] = false } public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id) { g_HasAk[id] = false } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(AK_V_MODEL) precache_model(AK_P_MODEL) m_spriteTexture = precache_model("sprites/dot.spr") precache_sound("weapons/zoom.wav") } public zp_user_infected_post(id) { if (zp_get_user_zombie(id)) { g_HasAk[id] = false } } public checkModel(id) { if ( zp_get_user_zombie(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new szWeapID = read_data(2) if ( szWeapID == CSW_AK47 && g_HasAk[id] == true && get_pcvar_num(cvar_custommodel) ) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, AK_V_MODEL) set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, AK_P_MODEL) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public checkWeapon(id) { new plrClip, plrAmmo, plrWeap[32] new plrWeapId plrWeapId = get_user_weapon(id, plrClip , plrAmmo) if (plrWeapId == CSW_AK47 && g_HasAk[id]) { checkModel(id) } else { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } if (plrClip == 0 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_uclip)) { // If the user is out of ammo.. get_weaponname(plrWeapId, plrWeap, 31) // Get the name of their weapon give_item(id, plrWeap) engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage) { if ( is_valid_player( attacker ) && get_user_weapon(attacker) == CSW_AK47 && g_HasAk[attacker] ) { SetHamParamFloat(4, damage * get_pcvar_float( cvar_dmgmultiplier ) ) } } public fw_CmdStart( id, uc_handle, seed ) { if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if( ( get_uc( uc_handle, UC_Buttons ) & IN_ATTACK2 ) && !( pev( id, pev_oldbuttons ) & IN_ATTACK2 ) ) { new szClip, szAmmo new szWeapID = get_user_weapon( id, szClip, szAmmo ) if( szWeapID == CSW_AK47 && g_HasAk[id] == true && !g_hasZoom[id] == true) { g_hasZoom[id] = true cs_set_user_zoom( id, CS_SET_AUGSG552_ZOOM, 0 ) emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/zoom.wav", 0.20, 2.40, 0, 100 ) } else if ( szWeapID == CSW_AK47 && g_HasAk[id] == true && g_hasZoom[id]) { g_hasZoom[ id ] = false cs_set_user_zoom( id, CS_RESET_ZOOM, 0 ) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public make_tracer(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_goldbullets)) { new clip,ammo new wpnid = get_user_weapon(id,clip,ammo) new pteam[16] get_user_team(id, pteam, 15) if ((bullets[id] > clip) && (wpnid == CSW_AK47) && g_HasAk[id]) { new vec1[3], vec2[3] get_user_origin(id, vec1, 1) // origin; your camera point. get_user_origin(id, vec2, 4) // termina; where your bullet goes (4 is cs-only) //BEAMENTPOINTS message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte (0) //TE_BEAMENTPOINTS 0 write_coord(vec1[0]) write_coord(vec1[1]) write_coord(vec1[2]) write_coord(vec2[0]) write_coord(vec2[1]) write_coord(vec2[2]) write_short( m_spriteTexture ) write_byte(1) // framestart write_byte(5) // framerate write_byte(2) // life write_byte(10) // width write_byte(0) // noise write_byte( 255 ) // r, g, b write_byte( 215 ) // r, g, b write_byte( 0 ) // r, g, b write_byte(200) // brightness write_byte(150) // speed message_end() } bullets[id] = clip } } public zp_extra_item_selected(player, itemid) { if ( itemid == g_itemid ) { if ( user_has_weapon(player, CSW_AK47) ) { drop_prim(player) } give_item(player, "weapon_ak47") client_print(player, print_chat, "[ZP] You bought Golden Ak - 47") g_HasAk[player] = true; } } stock drop_prim(id) { new weapons[32], num get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num) for (new i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (Wep_ak47 & (1<<weapons)) { static wname[32] get_weaponname(weapons, wname, sizeof wname - 1) engclient_cmd(id, "drop", wname) } } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1034\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */
  8. Nume :auto_connect Versiune :-- Descriere detalia: vreau un plugin care baga jucatorii automat pe serverul meu cand intra in cs. Noroc :>
  9. .Metrix


    Am rezolvat, multumesc Macit
  10. .Metrix


    Si unde ar trebuii sa modific mai exact?
  11. .Metrix


    Server :ZMO.rangFort.Ro Nick :.Metrix. Grad server :Manager La ce doriţi ajutor? : Cum pot schimba numele de la Game cu altceva, de exemplu ZOMBIE PLAGUE Poza cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) : Noroc
  12. .Metrix


    Rezolvat,am gasit ce trebuie modificat si cum trebuie. Multumesc de ajutor
  13. .Metrix


    Nu am nimic in lang legat de asa ceva.Din plugin se modifica dar nu stiu cum si unde
  14. .Metrix


    L-am copilat si am schimbat: ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ????? ?????^x03 %d^x01 ???????", prefix, get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap])); ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ????? ??????? ? ????^x03 deposit <amount>", prefix); ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?????? ???????^x03 withdraw <amount>", prefix); ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ???? ????????? ??????^x03 ?????????????", prefix) Dar astea sunt sub forma de anunt pe server.La comenzi mai da cu ?????(/bank ,etc.)
  15. .Metrix


    Am schimbat aici(asta fiind un anunt) dar cand scriu /take all ,/bank ,/deposit all tot imi da cu ?????????.Ce mai trebuie sa schimb? :/
  16. .Metrix


    Server :ZMO.RangFort.Ro Nick : .Metrix. Grad server : Manager Server La ce doriţi ajutor? : Salut, am bagat de curand un plugin de autosave(ammo), el merge cum trebuie dar la mesajele de la /take all, /deposit all etc. imi apare ????????? in loc de ce trebuie sa scrie(voi lasa o poza mai jos) si vreau sa schimb cu altceva.Cum pot face asta? poza: http://imgur.com/FPsMtA8 plugin: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <nvault> #include <fakemeta> #include <colorchat> #include <zombieplague> static const version[] = "0.3"; static const plugin[] = "[ZP] Sub Plugin: Auto-save Bank(Name)"; static const prefix[] = "ZP Bank" enum pcvar { enable = 0, cap, start } new pcvars[pcvar]; new bankstorage[33]; new gvault, thinkobj; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(plugin, version, "Random1, 93()|29!/<"); gvault = nvault_open("Zombie Bank Name"); pcvars[enable] = register_cvar("zp_bank", "1"); pcvars[cap] = register_cvar("zp_bank_limit", "5000"); pcvars[start] = register_cvar("zp_bank_blockstart", "0"); if (get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]) > 2147483646) { set_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap], 2147483646); server_print("[%s] Due to a 32 bit restriction in perl zp_ammo_limit reset based on restriction", plugin); } register_clcmd("say", "handle_say"); register_clcmd("say_team", "handle_say"); thinkobj = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")); if (pev_valid(thinkobj)) { set_pev(thinkobj, pev_classname, "advertisement_loop"); set_pev(thinkobj, pev_nextthink, get_gametime() + 240.0); register_forward(FM_Think, "fourmin_think"); } } public fourmin_think(ent) { if (ent != thinkobj) return FMRES_IGNORED; if (!get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable])) return FMRES_IGNORED; ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ????? ?????^x03 %d^x01 ???????", prefix, get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap])); ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ????? ??????? ? ????^x03 deposit <amount>", prefix); ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?????? ???????^x03 withdraw <amount>", prefix); ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ???? ????????? ??????^x03 ?????????????", prefix); set_pev(ent, pev_nextthink, get_gametime() + 240.0); return FMRES_HANDLED; } public plugin_end() nvault_close(gvault); public handle_say(id) { if (!get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable])) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; new text[70], arg1[32], arg2[32], arg3[6]; read_args(text, sizeof(text)-1); remove_quotes(text); arg1[0] = '^0'; arg2[0] = '^0'; arg3[0] = '^0'; parse(text, arg1, sizeof(arg1)-1, arg2, sizeof(arg2)-1, arg3, sizeof(arg3)-1); //dbg_log("cmd_say() arg1:#%s# arg2:#%s# arg3:#%s#", arg1, arg2, arg3); // if the chat line has more than 2 words, we're not interested at all if (arg3[0] == 0) { //strip forward slash if present if (equali(arg1, "/", 1)) format(arg1, 31, arg1[1]); if (equali(arg1, "deposit", 7) || equali(arg1, "send", 4) || equali(arg1, "store", 5)) { if (isdigit(arg2[0]) || (arg2[0] == '-' && isdigit(arg2[1]))) { new value = str_to_num(arg2); store_cash(id, value); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?? ????????^x03 %d^x01 ??????? ? ????", prefix, value) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else if (equali(arg2, "all")) { store_cash(id, -1); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?? ?????? ? ????^x03 ???^x01 ??????", prefix) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else if (arg2[0] == 0) ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ????? ??????? ? ????^x03 deposit <amount to deposit>", prefix); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } else if (equali(arg1, "withdraw", 8) || equali(arg1, "take", 4) || equali(arg1, "retrieve", 8)) { if (isdigit(arg2[0]) || (arg2[0] == '-' && isdigit(arg2[1]))) { new value = str_to_num(arg2); take_cash(id, value); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?? ????? ? ?????^x03 %d^x01 ???????", prefix, value) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else if (equali(arg2, "all")) { take_cash(id, -1); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?? ????? ? ?????^x03 ???^x01 ??????", prefix) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else if (arg2[0] == 0) ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?????? ???????^x03 withdraw <amount to withdraw>", prefix); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } else if (equali(arg1, "mybank", 6) || equali(arg1, "account", 7) || equali(arg1, "bank", 4)) { if (arg2[0] == 0) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ? ????? ?????^x03 %d^x01 ???????", prefix, bankstorage[id]); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { new player = cmd_target(id, arg2, 2); if (!player) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; static playername[32]; get_user_name(player, playername, 31); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x03 %s^x01 ?????^x04 %d^x01 ???????", prefix, playername, bankstorage[player]); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } } else if (equali(arg1, "donate", 6)) { give_cmd(id, arg2, arg3); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } give_cmd(id, target[], amnt[]) { new temp = str_to_num(amnt); if (temp < 0) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 - ^"amount^" ?????????? ????", prefix); return; } new player = cmd_target(id, target, 8); if (!player) return; new temp2 = bankstorage[id] + zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id); if (temp > temp2) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ??? ????????? ???????, ???? ??????^x04 %d^x01 ?? of^x03 %d^x01 specified", prefix, temp2, temp); return; } static playername[32], givename[32]; get_user_name(player, playername, 31); get_user_name(id, givename, 31); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ???????^x03 %d^x01 ???????^x04 %s", prefix, temp, playername); ColorChat(player, GREEN, "[%s]^x03 %s^x01 ???????^x04 %d^x01 ??????? ???", prefix, givename, temp); bankstorage[player] += temp; if (bankstorage[id] > temp) bankstorage[id] -= temp; else { temp -= bankstorage[id]; bankstorage[id] = 0; zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) - temp); } } //public zp_user_disconnect_pre(id) public client_disconnect(id) { store_cash(id, -1); if (bankstorage[id] > 0) save_data(id); } //public zp_user_connect_post(id) public client_connect(id) { bankstorage[id] = 0; //clear residual before loading retrieve_data(id); } store_cash(id, amnt) { if (!get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable])) return; if (amnt == -1) { bankstorage[id] += zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id); zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, 0); checkmax(id); } else if (amnt > 0) { new temp = zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id); new limit = get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]); if (temp >= amnt) { if (bankstorage[id] + amnt <= limit) { bankstorage[id] += amnt zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, temp - amnt); } else { new overflow = bankstorage[id] + amnt - limit; bankstorage[id] = limit; zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, temp - amnt + overflow); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ??? ???? ?????? ?????????^x03 %d", prefix, limit); ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ??????^x03 %d^x01 ??^x04 %d^x01 ???? ???????? ? ????", prefix, amnt - overflow, amnt); } } else ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ?? ?????? ?????(^x03%d^x01) ???????, ???? ??????(^x04%d^x01)", prefix, amnt, temp); } else take_cash(id, -amnt); } take_cash(id, amnt) { if (!get_pcvar_num(pcvars[enable])) return; if (amnt == 0) //otherwise a non terminal loop is possible return; if (amnt == -1) { zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + bankstorage[id]) bankstorage[id] = 0; } else if (amnt > 0) { if (bankstorage[id] >= amnt) { zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + amnt); bankstorage[id] -= amnt; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[%s]^x01 ????? (^x03%d^x01) ?????? ??? ? ?????(^x04%d^x01)", prefix, amnt, bankstorage[id]); } } else store_cash(id, -amnt); } save_data(id) { new Name[35]; get_user_name(id, Name, 34); new vaultkey[40], vaultdata[13]; formatex(vaultkey, 39, "__%s__", Name); formatex(vaultdata, 12, "%i", bankstorage[id]); nvault_set(gvault, vaultkey, vaultdata); } retrieve_data(id) { new Name[35]; get_user_name(id, Name, 34); new vaultkey[40], vaultdata[13]; format(vaultkey, 39, "__%s__", Name); nvault_get(gvault, vaultkey, vaultdata, 12); bankstorage[id] = str_to_num(vaultdata); checkmax(id); // If they have an account don't allow zombie mod to give them 5 ammo packs at beggining if (get_pcvar_num(pcvars[start]) && bankstorage[id] > 0) zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, 0); } checkmax(id) { if (bankstorage[id] > get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap])) bankstorage[id] = get_pcvar_num(pcvars[cap]); else if (bankstorage[id] < 0) bankstorage[id] = 0; } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ ansicpg1252\\ deff0\\ deflang1033{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Multumesc
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