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Posts posted by blabla

  1. Membrul Bachkovo a fost avertizat la 22 September 2016 - 06:53 PM de catre Sp1dey @ RF.

    Motivul: Nu acceptam asa comportament pe forum..

    Notificare trimisa membrului: Nu acceptam asa comportament pe forum.


    - Points: 50
    - Remove ability to create content: Permanently
    - Suspend: Permanently

    Warned Post: {post}

  2. Membrul Overkreig . a fost avertizat la 21 September 2016 - 08:31 AM de catre Sp1dey @ RF.

    Motivul: Post Hunting.

    Notificare trimisa membrului: Dupa cum vezi, trebuia sa-i dai o poza care a cerut-o nu sa-l critici(exista designeri sa isi spuna cuvantul).


    - Points: 2
    - Remove points: After 7 days

    Warned Post: {post}

  3. Membrul K.amE a fost avertizat la 20 September 2016 - 03:03 PM de catre Julia.

    Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare.

    Notificare trimisa membrului:


    - Points: 1
    - Remove points: After 7 days

    Warned Post: {post}

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