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Everything posted by blabla

  1. Membrul Dictator. a fost avertizat la 09 July 2016 - 09:23 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Limbaj vulgar. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 3 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=333602
  2. Membrul CaramelRo a fost avertizat la 09 July 2016 - 12:47 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=333214
  3. Membrul TYuS a fost avertizat la 08 July 2016 - 06:09 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  4. Membrul N00r.JokeR a fost avertizat la 08 July 2016 - 09:19 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 1 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=332996
  5. Membrul NoRespect a fost avertizat la 07 July 2016 - 09:08 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  6. Membrul Nimeni Altu' a fost avertizat la 07 July 2016 - 01:21 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Aveti dreptul la 3 posturi pe durata de 24h in topicurile deja existente Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=332171
  7. Membrul Jup^nu' a fost avertizat la 06 July 2016 - 11:18 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  8. Membrul ArTe^Go a fost avertizat la 06 July 2016 - 05:50 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Offtopic. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=307795
  9. Membrul Maria Elena a fost avertizat la 06 July 2016 - 02:41 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=331576
  10. Membrul vodKa # PoKer a fost avertizat la 05 July 2016 - 12:38 PM de catre Sp1dey @ RF. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=331224
  11. Membrul Jup^nu' a fost avertizat la 05 July 2016 - 09:09 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Aveti dreptul la 3 posturi pe durata de 24h in topicurile deja existente Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  12. Membrul DuLceTeL a fost avertizat la 05 July 2016 - 09:08 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Nerespectarea regulamentului sectiunii. Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  13. Membrul Love.Madrid_1 a fost avertizat la 05 July 2016 - 08:34 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=331212
  14. Membrul TYuS a fost avertizat la 05 July 2016 - 08:33 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 1 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  15. Membrul Er # Jakar a fost avertizat la 05 July 2016 - 08:33 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 1 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=331197
  16. Membrul Lupascuionut1 a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 09:20 PM de catre Julia. Motivul: Limbaj vulgar. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 3 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=330993
  17. Membrul fR FasTKiLL a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 12:03 PM de catre Sp1dey @ RF. Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 1 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=227506
  18. Membrul guarana124 a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 12:02 PM de catre Sp1dey @ RF. Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 1 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=227330
  19. Membrul QuArex' a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 12:02 PM de catre Sp1dey @ RF. Motivul: Scris integral bold, colorat, marime mare. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 1 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=227242
  20. Membrul MagicStick a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 11:23 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Reclama. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 50 - Remove ability to create content: Permanently - Suspend: Permanently Warned Post: {post}
  21. Membrul Bosketar a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 10:58 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=328991
  22. Membrul TYuS a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 10:56 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Limbaj vulgar. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 3 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: {post}
  23. Membrul iuliangabriel23 a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 10:18 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Reclama. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 50 - Remove ability to create content: Permanently - Suspend: Permanently Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=0
  24. Membrul NoRespect a fost avertizat la 04 July 2016 - 08:42 AM de catre Julia. Motivul: Post Hunting. Notificare trimisa membrului: Punishment: - Points: 2 - Remove points: After 7 days Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=330639
  25. Deschizi cereri o data la 2 zile? Respins.
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