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Posts posted by blabla

  1. <!-- isHtml:1 --><!-- isHtml:1 --><p>Membrul <strong class="bbc">VodkaBoss</strong> a fost avertizat la 27 February 2016 - 03:09 AM de catre GODCS1.<br />

    <br />

    <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong class="bbc">Motivul</strong></span>: Limbaj vulgar.<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Notificare trimisa membrului</strong>: Limbaj vulgar<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Punishment</strong>:<br />

    <br />

    - Points: 3<br />- Remove points: After 7 days<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Warned Post</strong>: {post}</p>

  2. <!-- isHtml:1 --><!-- isHtml:1 --><p>Membrul <strong class="bbc">davyd12</strong> a fost avertizat la 25 February 2016 - 11:21 PM de catre GODCS1.<br />

    <br />

    <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong class="bbc">Motivul</strong></span>: Limbaj vulgar.<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Notificare trimisa membrului</strong>: Limbaj vulgar.<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Punishment</strong>:<br />

    <br />

    - Points: 3<br />- Remove points: After 7 days<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Warned Post</strong>: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=0</p>

  3. <!-- isHtml:1 --><!-- isHtml:1 --><p>Membrul <strong class="bbc">Mohammad</strong> a fost avertizat la 19 February 2016 - 08:36 PM de catre LasTGoD.<br />

    <br />

    <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong class="bbc">Motivul</strong></span>: Post Hunting.<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Notificare trimisa membrului</strong>: Daca nu ai admin nu ai dreptul sa postezi la prezenta admin<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Punishment</strong>:<br />

    <br />

    - Points: 2<br />- Remove points: After 7 days<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Warned Post</strong>: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=0</p>

  4. Membrul Slimm a fost avertizat la 16 February 2016 - 09:26 PM de catre LucHyaNN..


    Motivul: Post Hunting.


    Notificare trimisa membrului: [url=http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/36989-cerere-helper-sau-slot-slim/?p=253027]http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?/topic/36989-cerere-helper-sau-slot-slim/?p=253027




    - Points: 2- Remove points: After 7 days


    Warned Post: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums§ion=findpost&pid=253027

  5. Membrul Adelina a fost avertizat la 12 February 2016 - 10:02 PM de catre GODCS1.

    Motivul: Offtopic.

    Notificare trimisa membrului: English Only "No need to speak in RO"


    - Points: 2
    - Remove points: After 7 days

    Warned Post: {post}

  6. <!-- isHtml:1 --><!-- isHtml:1 --><p>Membrul <strong class="bbc">joseph.</strong> a fost avertizat la 12 February 2016 - 08:39 PM de catre LucHyaNN..<br />

    <br />

    <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong class="bbc">Motivul</strong></span>: Limbaj vulgar.<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Notificare trimisa membrului</strong>: <br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Punishment</strong>:<br />

    <br />

    - Points: 3<br />- Remove points: After 7 days<br />

    <br />

    <strong class="bbc">Warned Post</strong>: http://rangfort.ro/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=250207</p>

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