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LuK.ZEW # last won the day on September 5 2015

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  1. LuK.ZEW #


    V3 // text ochios!
  2. Acceptat! Te astept pe ts pentru ati oferi gradul.
  3. 10 membri si ceva activitate, momentan respins. Topic inchis.
  4. Canal creat. Te astelt pe ts pentru ati oferii gradul de fondator. Topic inchis.
  5. #Respins. Pentru gradele de Administrator si S-M. se munceste, ele nu se obtin printr-o simpla cerere. Topic inchis.
  6. Pro. Eu am vazut ca ti-ai dat interesul pe unele categorii, amxmodx. Ai rezolvat cateva cereri, ai mai raspuns pe ici pe colo. Bafta.
  7. Canal creat. Te astept pe ts pentru gradul de fondator. Topic closed.
  8. LuK.ZEW #


    Trebuia sa compiliezi local din scripting. Ceea ce a facut 7 decebels.
  9. #include <amxmodx> #include <csx> #define VERSION "1.4b" #define TASK_C4 803891 #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 new const color_R[]= { 0, 0, 0, 255, 255 } new const color_G[]= { 0, 255, 255, 170, 0 } new const color_B[]= { 255, 255, 0, 0, 0 } //by connor new const Float:g_flCoords[][] = { {0.50, 0.40}, {0.56, 0.44}, {0.60, 0.50}, {0.56, 0.56}, {0.50, 0.60}, {0.44, 0.56}, {0.40, 0.50}, {0.44, 0.44} } new g_pcvar[5], g_textmsg, g_C4Timer, mpc4timer, count, start, color = sizeof color_R, g_iPlayerPos[MAX_PLAYERS+1], g_MaxPlayers public plugin_init() { register_plugin("C4 Timer Count Hud & Sound", VERSION, "P.Of.Pw") register_cvar("C4 Timer Count Hud & Sound", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER) g_pcvar[0] = register_cvar("c4_count_hs_on", "1") g_pcvar[1] = register_cvar("c4_count_hs_mode", "1") g_pcvar[2] = register_cvar("c4_count_hs_sound", "1") g_pcvar[3] = register_cvar("c4_count_hs_bomb_dropped", "1") g_pcvar[4] = register_cvar("c4_count_hs_bomb_pickup", "1") mpc4timer = get_cvar_pointer("mp_c4timer") g_textmsg = get_user_msgid("TextMsg") g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers() register_event("ResetHUD", "reset_c4timer", "be") register_event("SendAudio", "round_end_by_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin", "2&%!MRAD_rounddraw") register_logevent("logevent_newround", 2, "1=Round_Start") register_logevent("logevent_endround", 2, "1=Round_End") register_logevent("logevent_endround", 2, "1&Restart_Round_") register_message(g_textmsg, "message_bomb") } public bomb_planted() { new plugin_on = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[0]) if (!plugin_on) return client_print(0, print_chat, "[ ** ] BOMBA a fost plantata !!!") new bomb_sound = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[2]) if (bomb_sound) client_cmd(0, "spk misc/bomba_2.wav") g_C4Timer = get_pcvar_num(mpc4timer) - 1 new bomb_mode = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[1]) switch (bomb_mode) { case 1: set_task(1.0, "effect_one", TASK_C4, "", 0, "b") case 2: set_task(1.0, "effect_two", TASK_C4, "", 0, "b") case 3: set_task(1.0, "effect_three", TASK_C4, "", 0, "b") default: set_task(1.0, "effect_one", TASK_C4, "", 0, "b") } } public effect_one() { if (g_C4Timer > 0) { if (g_C4Timer > 20) { set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.17, 0, 6.0, 12.0) show_hudmessage(0, "[C4] Timer: %d", g_C4Timer) } if (g_C4Timer <= 20 && g_C4Timer > 0) { new bomb_sound = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[2]) if (bomb_sound) { new temp[48] num_to_word(g_C4Timer, temp, 47) client_cmd(0, "spk ^"vox/%s^"", temp) } switch (g_C4Timer) { case 20: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.09, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 19: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.94, 0.13, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 18: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.18, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 17: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.25, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 16: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.32, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 15: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.94, 0.43, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 14: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.62, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 13: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.64, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 12: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.73, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 11: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.93, 0.81, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 10: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.75, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 9: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.70, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 8: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.65, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 7: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.60, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 6: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.55, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 5: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.50, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 4: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.45, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 3: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.40, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 2: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.35, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) case 1: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.30, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) default: set_hudmessage(235, 45, 0, 0.05, 0.75, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 4) } show_hudmessage(0, "%d", g_C4Timer) } --g_C4Timer } else remove_task(TASK_C4) } public effect_two() { if (g_C4Timer > 0) { set_hudmessage(color_R[count], color_G[count], color_B[count], -1.0, 0.83, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.01, 0.01, -1) count = start ? count - 1 : count + 1 if (!start && count >= color - 1) { count = color -1 start = 1 } else if (start && count <= color - 1) { count = 0 start = 0 } show_hudmessage(0, "Bomba explodeaza in: %d secunde!", g_C4Timer) --g_C4Timer } else remove_task(TASK_C4) } public effect_three() { if (g_C4Timer > 0) { if (g_C4Timer > 20) { set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.17, 0, 5.0, 1.7) show_hudmessage(0, "[C4] Timer: %d", g_C4Timer) } if (g_C4Timer <= 20 && g_C4Timer > 0) { new bomb_sound = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[2]) if (bomb_sound) { new temp[48] num_to_word(g_C4Timer, temp, 47) client_cmd(0, "spk ^"vox/%s^"", temp) } for (new id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++) { if (!is_user_connected(id)) continue //by connor new iPos = ++g_iPlayerPos[id] if (iPos == sizeof(g_flCoords)) { iPos = g_iPlayerPos[id] = 0 } set_hudmessage(color_R[count], color_G[count], color_B[count], Float:g_flCoords[iPos][0], Float:g_flCoords[iPos][1], 0, 0.1, 2.5, 0.02, 0.02, -1) count = start ? count - 1 : count + 1 if (!start && count >= color - 1) { count = color -1 start = 1 } else if (start && count <= color - 1) { count = 0 start = 0 } show_hudmessage(0, "[C4]: %d", g_C4Timer) } } --g_C4Timer } else remove_task(TASK_C4) } public bomb_defused() { new plugin_on = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[0]) if (!plugin_on) return new bomb_sound = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[2]) if (bomb_sound) client_cmd(0, "spk misc/defusebmb.wav") set_hudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.16, 0, 6.0, 5.0) show_hudmessage(0, "[ ** ] Bomba a fost dezamorsata!") remove_bomb_task() } public bomb_explode() { new plugin_on = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[0]) if (!plugin_on) return new bomb_sound = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[2]) if (bomb_sound) client_cmd(0, "spk misc/explodebmb.wav") set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.16, 0, 6.0, 6.0) show_hudmessage(0, "[ ** ] Bomba a explodat!") remove_bomb_task() } public message_bomb(msg_id, msg_dest, id) { new plugin_on = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[0]) if (!plugin_on) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE static msg[64] get_msg_arg_string(2, msg, sizeof msg - 1) new cbomb_dropped = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[3]) if (cbomb_dropped && equal(msg, "#Game_bomb_drop")) { set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.16, 0, 6.0, 5.0) show_hudmessage(0, "[ ** ] Bomba a fost pierduta!") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new cbomb_pickup = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[4]) if (cbomb_pickup && equal(msg, "#Game_bomb_pickup") || cbomb_pickup && equal(msg, "#Got_bomb")) { set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.16, 0, 6.0, 6.0) show_hudmessage(0, "[ ** ] Bomba a fost recuperata!^n Go go go...") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (equal(msg, "#Bomb_Planted") || equal(msg, "#Target_Bombed") || equal(msg, "#Bomb_Defused")) return PLUGIN_HANDLED return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public reset_c4timer() { g_C4Timer = 0 } public round_end_by_win() { remove_bomb_task() } public logevent_newround() { remove_bomb_task() } public logevent_endround() { remove_bomb_task() } public plugin_end() { remove_bomb_task() } public remove_bomb_task() { new plugin_on = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar[0]) if (!plugin_on) return g_C4Timer = -1 remove_task(TASK_C4) } public plugin_precache() { precache_sound("misc/bomba_2.wav") precache_sound("misc/explodebmb.wav") precache_sound("misc/defusebmb.wav") } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang3081\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Daca vrei si sunete, imi spui.
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