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Title: [Admin] Name Veteran Content: # Your nickname:BAN$! # Steam: Yes / no: No # Age:15 # Experience as admin: 10 Years # Reason that you want to be admin: to help sv with anything # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?:Ooops I Forgot ! # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k )!/ # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?:No # Other information: To my password contact me
# Your nickname: BAN$! # Steam: Yes / no: No # Age:15 # Experience as admin:Forever # Reason that you want to be admin:To Help Server # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?: Yes I Read All # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k )!/ # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?:No # Other information:No
[Admin] Name Content: Veteran # Your nickname: Smiley # Steam: Yes / no : No # Age: 16 # Experience as admin: Very Very Big # Reason that you want to be admin: To Help server # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?: Yes # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k ) # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?:No # Other information:I Can Help Server To Make Admins Fondator
# Your Nickname : <ALI> # Steam: Yes / no : No # Age: 19 # Experience as admin: Very Big # Reason that you want to be admin: To Help Server # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?: Yes # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k ) # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?: No # Other information: No
# Your nickname: <BaN$!> # Steam: Yes / no : No # Age: 15 # Experience as admin: Forever # Reason that you want to be admin: To help server # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?: Yes # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k ) # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?: No # Other information: My Password Is bajramsalihi123456 What Admin You Wanna Be : Administrator
# Your Nickname : <ALI> # Steam: Yes / no : No # Age: 19 # Experience as admin: Very Big # Reason that you want to be admin: To Help Server # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?: Yes # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k ) # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?: No # Other information: No
# Your Nickname : <BaN$!> # Steam: Yes / no : No # Age: 15 # Experience as admin: Very Big # Reason that you want to be admin: To Help Server # By playing on this server, you agree that you have read and understand server rules?: Yes # Link of hours you played on server: ( C l i c k )!/ # Are you wiling to help the server with a donation?: No # Other information: No
I need help.!. --How to know your ID Y!M/STEAM.? cause i need to fill admin req model. --where can i find my total no of hours played.? i need to become the admin of the ip PLEASE REPLY.
Nick-ul tău:BaL Vârsta: 19 SteamID: nu folosesc Serverul pe care vreau Fac parte din grupul de Steam RANGFORT MIXERS şi mi-am invitat toţi prietenii: nu Am luat la cunoştinţă regulamentul?: da Experirnta joc:3 ani furien
Nick-ul tău: mhm TziuVârsta: 21 an STEAM : STEAM_0:0:870150953 Durată de joc : 1d 1h Serverul pe care vreau admin: MIX4.RANGFORT.RO Fac parte din grupul de Steam RANGFORT MIXERS şi mi-am invitat toţi prietenii?: (da/ nu): Da , cred am level 0 la steam nu cred ca s-au trimis invitatiile Dovada invitaţiei trimise: (PrintScreen)-- Am luat la cunoştinţă regulamentul?: Desigur. Experienţă mix/ war: desigur Mulțumesc foarte
Nume : VIP Versiune : Nu o stiu! Descriere detaliata : As dori daca poate cineva sa modifice acest vip si sa contina urmatoarele : 1. He;2FB;armor+helm +defuser la ct 2. 500$per kill 700 pe HS 3. Dupa a 3a runda sa apara meniul cu arme care contine CT: M4A1 ; Famas;AWP T:AK47;Galil;Awp (dar ca vipul sa nu poata avea 2arme in acelasi timp.. de ex AK47 si awp ...) 4. cand scrii /vips sa apara toti vip-ii online 5. Acces la admin_chat 6. Chat colorat 7.Slot 8. la fiecare kill +10 HP +15 AP iar la HS +15 HP +25 AP .. incepe runda cu 100 hp (dar sa nu poata avea mai mult de 120 la viata !) Multumesc anticipat .
Nick-ul tău: CriZZaTuL Vârsta: 20 Adresă contact (Y!M): - Serverul pe care vreau admin: Head.Rangfort.Ro Am luat la cunoştinţă regulamentul?: Da! Bafta la fraguri !
Nick-ul tău: k1NEZU. # FEEL THE POWERR' Vârsta: 18 ani Adresă contact (Y!M): Steam : k1NEZU. # FEEL THE POWERR' STEAMID (numeric) + link către profilul de steam: STEAM_0:0:81663552 + Profil Serverul pe care doresc admin: MIX4.RANGFORT.RO Fac parte din grupul de steam RANGFORT MIXERS şi mi-am invitat toţi prietenii? (DA): Da Dovada invitaţiei trimise (PrintScreen): PrintScreen Am luat la cunoştinţă regulamentul?: Da , punct cu punct .
Nick-ul tău :Ysayزگوار Vârsta :16 Adresă contact (Y!M) STEAMID (numeric) + link către profilul de steam :STEAM_0:0:88887625 Serverul pe care doresc admin Fac parte din grupul de steam RANGFORT MIXERS şi mi-am invitat toţi prietenii? (DA) :Da Dovada invitaţiei trimise (PrintScreen) : Am luat la cunoştinţă regulamentul? :da.
Nick-ul tău : SWEDEN# Vârsta : 17 ani Adresă contact (Y!M) : STEAMID (numeric) + link către profilul de steam : STEAM_0:0:37313726 - Serverul pe care doresc admin : Fac parte din grupul de steam RANGFORT MIXERS şi mi-am invitat toţi prietenii? (DA) : Nu pot sa invit , nu stiu din ce cauza . am ceva la steam oricum am trimis pm la toti prietenii sa intre pe sv si sa se alature grupului ! Dovada invitaţiei trimise (PrintScreen) : - Am luat la cunoştinţă regulamentul? :Da .