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  1. Acceptat PM cu nick si parola pentru acces
  2. Acceptat PM cu nick si parola pentru acces
  3. #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define ACCESS ADMIN_KICK #define WORDS 64 #define SWEAR_GAGMINUTES 3 #define SHOW new const tag[] = "[Gag]"; new const g_FileName[] = "gag_words.ini"; new bool:g_Gaged[ 33 ], g_GagTime[ 33 ], bool:g_SwearGag[ 33 ], bool:g_CmdGag[ 33 ], bool:g_NameChanged[33]; new g_reason[ 32 ], g_admin[ 32 ], g_name[ 33 ][ 32 ]; new g_WordsFile[ 128 ]; new g_Words[ WORDS ][ 32 ], g_Count, g_Len; new point, g_msgsaytext; new toggle_tag public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Advance Gag", "2.1", "anakin_cstrike/ update -B1ng0-") register_concmd( "amx_gag", "gag_cmd", ACCESS,"- <nume> <minute> <motiv> - Da gag jucatorului" ); register_concmd( "amx_ungag", "ungag_cmd", ACCESS, "- <nume> - Scoate gagul" ); register_clcmd( "say", "check" ); register_clcmd( "say_team", "check" ); toggle_tag = register_cvar( "gag_tag", "1" ); point = get_cvar_pointer( "amx_show_activity" ); g_msgsaytext = get_user_msgid( "SayText" ); } public plugin_cfg() { static dir[ 64 ]; get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", dir, 63 ); formatex( g_WordsFile , 127 , "%s/%s" , dir, g_FileName ); if( !file_exists( g_WordsFile ) ) write_file( g_WordsFile, "[Gag Words]", -1 ); new Len; while( g_Count < WORDS && read_file( g_WordsFile, g_Count ,g_Words[ g_Count ][ 1 ], 30, Len ) ) { g_Words[ g_Count ][ 0 ] = Len; g_Count++; } } public gag_cmd( id, level, cid ) { if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 4 ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; new arg[ 32 ], arg2[ 6 ], reason[ 32 ]; new name[ 32 ], namet[ 32 ]; new minutes; read_argv(1, arg, 31) new player = cmd_target(id, arg, 9) if (!player) return PLUGIN_HANDLED read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 ); read_argv( 2, arg2, sizeof arg2 - 1 ); read_argv( 3, reason, sizeof reason - 1 ); get_user_name( id, name, 31 ); copy( g_admin, 31, name ); copy( g_reason, 31, reason ); remove_quotes( reason ); minutes = str_to_num( arg2 ); new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 10 ); if( !target) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; if( g_Gaged[ target ] ) { console_print( id, "Jucatorul are deja gag!" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } get_user_name( target, namet, 31 ); copy( g_name[ target ], 31, namet ); g_CmdGag[ target ] = true; g_Gaged[target] = true; g_GagTime[ target ] = minutes; print( 0, "^x04[ZP] %s:^x01 Gag jucatorul^x03 %s^x01 pentru^x03 [%d]^x01 minut(e). Motiv:^x03 %s",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet, minutes, reason ); if( get_pcvar_num( toggle_tag ) == 1 ) { new Buffer[ 64 ]; formatex( Buffer, sizeof Buffer - 1, "%s %s", tag, namet ); g_NameChanged[ target ] = true; client_cmd( target, "name ^"%s^"",Buffer ); } set_task( 60.0, "count", target + 123, _, _, "b" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public ungag_cmd( id,level, cid ) { if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 2 ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; new arg[ 32 ], reason[ 32 ], name[ 32 ]; read_argv( 1, arg, sizeof arg - 1 ); read_argv( 2, reason, sizeof reason - 1 ); get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 ); remove_quotes( reason ); new target = cmd_target( id, arg, 11 ); if( !target ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; new namet[ 32 ]; get_user_name( target, namet, sizeof namet - 1 ); if( !g_Gaged[ target ] ) { console_print( id, "Jucatorul %s nu are gag.", namet ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } g_Gaged[ target ] = false; g_SwearGag[ target ] = false; if( g_NameChanged[ target ] ) client_cmd( target, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ target ] ); g_NameChanged[ target ] = false; remove_task( target + 123 ); print( 0, "^x04[ZP] %s:^x01 UnGag jucatorul^x03 %s",get_pcvar_num( point ) == 2 ? name : "", namet ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public count( task ) { new index = task - 123; if( !is_user_connected( index ) ) return 0; g_GagTime[index] -= 1; if( g_GagTime[ index ] <= 0 ) { remove_task( index + 123 ); print( index, "Ai primit UnGag cu succes!" ); g_Gaged[ index ] = false; if( g_NameChanged[ index ] ) client_cmd( index, "name ^"%s^"", g_name[ index ] ); return 0; } return 1; } public check( id ) { new said[ 192 ]; read_args( said, sizeof said - 1 ); if( !strlen( said ) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; if( g_Gaged[ id ] ) { if( g_CmdGag[ id ] ) { print( id,"Ai primit gag de la: %s. Au mai ramas %d minut(e)" ,g_admin, g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" ); print( id,"Motivul Gagului: %s", g_reason ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else if( g_SwearGag[ id ] ) { print( id, "Ai gag pentru limbaj vulgar sau reclama.") print( id, "Au mai ramas %d minut(e)", g_GagTime[ id ], g_GagTime[ id ] == 1 ? "" : "s" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { new bool:g_Sweared, i, pos; for( i = 0; i < g_Count; ++i ) { if( ( pos = containi( said, g_Words[ i ][ 1 ] ) ) != -1 ) { g_Len = g_Words[ i ][ 0 ]; while( g_Len-- ) said[ pos++ ] = '*'; g_Sweared = true; continue; } } if( g_Sweared ) { new cmd[ 32 ], name[ 32 ]; get_user_name( id, name, sizeof name - 1 ); read_argv( 0, cmd, sizeof cmd - 1 ); copy( g_name[ id ], 31, name ); engclient_cmd( id, cmd, said ); g_Gaged[ id ] = true; g_CmdGag[ id ] = false; if( get_pcvar_num( toggle_tag ) == 1 ) { new Buffer[ 64 ]; formatex( Buffer, sizeof Buffer - 1, "%s %s", tag, name ); g_NameChanged[ id ] = true; client_cmd( id, "name ^"%s^"", Buffer) ; } g_SwearGag[ id ] = true; g_GagTime[ id ] = SWEAR_GAGMINUTES; print( id, "Ai gag pentru limbaj vulgar sau reclama." ); set_task( 60.0, "count",id+123,_,_,"b"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public client_disconnect(id) { if(g_Gaged[id]) { new Nick[32],Authid[35],usrip[32] get_user_name(id,Nick,31) get_user_ip(id,usrip,31); get_user_authid(id,Authid,34) print(0, "^x04[ZP]^x01 Jucatorul cu gag^x03 %s^x01[IP:^x03 %s^x01] a parasit serverul.",Nick,usrip) g_Gaged[ id ] = false; g_SwearGag[ id ] = false; remove_task( id ); } } print( id, const message[ ], { Float, Sql, Result, _ }:... ) { new Buffer[ 128 ], Buffer2[ 128 ]; formatex( Buffer2, sizeof Buffer2 - 1, "%s", message ); vformat( Buffer, sizeof Buffer - 1, Buffer2, 3 ); if( id ) { message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_msgsaytext, _,id ); write_byte( id ); write_string( Buffer) ; message_end(); } else { new players[ 32 ], index, num, i; get_players( players, num, "ch" ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { index = players[ i ]; if( !is_user_connected( index ) ) continue; message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_msgsaytext, _, index ); write_byte( index ); write_string( Buffer ); message_end(); } } }
  4. Acceptat Pm cu nick si parola pentru acces
  5. Acceptat Pm cu nick si parola pentru acces
  6. #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "Block_name_change" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "adry" public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_message(get_user_msgid("SayText"), "message") } public message() { new arg[32] get_msg_arg_string(2, arg, 31) if(containi(arg,"name")!=-1) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_infochanged(id) { new newname[32],oldname[32] get_user_info(id, "name", newname,31) get_user_name(id,oldname,31) if(!is_user_connected(id) || is_user_bot(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(!equali(newname, oldname)) { set_user_info(id,"name",oldname) client_print(id , print_chat , "[ZP] Nu este permisa schimbarea numelui pe server!") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }
  7. Ti-am dat azi sa imi zici daca iti merge
  8. Acceptat. PM cu nick si parola pentru acces
  9. Acceptat PM cu nick si arola pentru acces
  10. adry

    Cerere Grad

    Respins. Nu ai acrivitate pentru a cere grad
  11. Acceptat. PM cu nick si parola pentru acces
  12. Acceptat. Pm cu nick si parola pentru acces
  13. adry

    Atentie admini!

    RO: La ora 23:00 se va schimba harta in fy_snow si nu se va mai da vot pana la ora 12:00. De la ora 12:00 se va incepe cu harta de_dust2 urmat de vor cu hartile clasice. EN: At 23:00 the map will be changed to fy_snow and there won't be another vote until 12:00. From 12:00 the map will be changed to de_dust2 followed by a vote with classic maps.
  14. Acceptat. PM cu nick si parola.
  15. Acceptat. Pm cu nick si parola pentru acces.
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